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Breakfast is ready and Chi is drooling over her food as she couldn't wait for another second. Her mom came to the dinner table with fresh sushi and curry. The three sat on their seat saying "Itadakimasu" and dug in their foods. Every bite has made Chi in bliss and forgets her surroundings. The second bite of her mom's curry has brought her to food land where she encountered the curry man and sushi man all begging her to eat them. She happily pounces on them as she ate and the food cheering for her. She rests on a huge plate of curry and falls asleep. The moment she opened her back, her parents are staring at her all concerned. Chi snaps back to reality and apologizes for what just happened. Mr. and Mrs. Nishikata was relieved it was just her enjoying her food.

It was time for school and Chi prepared her school uniform and waved goodbye to her parents. She takes a stroll through the neighborhood but has this feeling of being watched. She looks behind her and not a figure is seen. She ignores and moves on. The sound of a dropped caught her attention and looked back instinctively. Nothing but a rolling can is seen by her eye. She ignores but with caution and proceeds to walk forward. As she walked forward. A silhouette is seen hiding behind the trash can all crouched. He giggles and steps out of the trash can and dashes towards her. She looks behind and was greeted by a surprise. It was the boy scaring her the whole time.

"Y-You know that d-didn't scare me.""Oh really? Cause I was just holding back.""*Nervous laugh* Yeah you're not."

The boy faces Chi a little close. Chi was sweating ice as she has no idea why his face is getting closer to her. A flashback came and reminded her of her dream. "Could this dream be a reality? Am I meant to be with hi-hi-" Said Chi as she readies her lips to kiss. Suddenly he grabbed her shoulders and reminded her of school. She widened her eyes and heavily blushed of embarrassment and sprinted all the way to their school. The boy followed her at a normal speed.

They arrived at school 30 seconds early and were able to avoid punishments but too exhausted to continue to do everything and fell asleep on their desks. They were unable to play games against each other and agreed to do truce for the day.The rest of the school ended up boring and the two of them just went home without speaking to each other. Once they split their ways, they waved without saying a word to each other. As Chi arrived home, she opened the door looking all depressed. Takagi notices her."Dear, why do you look so sad?"

"Oh, nothing mom. We were almost late so we sprinted all the way to school and arrived early but we were too tired so we didn't say a single thing to each other.""Ahhh I see. You feel sad because you haven't had the chance to talk to him.""N-no it's not like that," said Chi as she transfers from depressed to flustered.

Chi dashed towards her room and slams the door shut. The doorbell rang and Takagi opens her door. Nishikata greets her and surprises her with a bottle of wine.

"Is Chi awake?" said Nishikata looking around his home."She just sprinted towards her room.""I see.""So maybe later?""Yup. Come on in."

The two of them enjoyed themselves while Chi lied to her room staring at the ceiling. She stared for 5 minutes until a message called her attention. She reaches her hand and the phone rang, retreating her hand a bit until she picked it up. She looks at the home-screen and sees two missed calls by the boy. She calls him and a few seconds later.

"Hello?""Hey there.""Oh hi. Why haven't you responded to my calls earlier?""I was having dinner earlier.""I see. Then sorry,""No, it's fine. So why'd you called me?"I just want to apologize for not talking to you the whole day.""Oh that's okay, after all, we were almost late and we would've been if we were slower but I gotta say, it was quite lonely.""Does that mean, you wanted to talk to me?"" know, yeah,""The door slightly opens and Takagi is peeking at her Chi in her call without her realizing it. Chi sat on her bed holding her pillow to her chest while holding her phone. A smile has brought on her face and blushes a little. "So what do you say? Wanna hang out tomorrow?""Sure.""Alright then, bye.""Bye." Said Chi.

Chi turned off her phone and paused for a second until she covered her face with her pillow while kicking her feet. Takagi places her hand to her mouth, smiled, and quietly closes the door. Nishikata asks Takagi what Chi was doing in there. Takagi gives him the "shh" sign and says "It's a secret." Nishikata questions Takagi's antic but leaves that aside and continues with his coffee until Takagi scares him by appearing behind his newspaper. Nishikata almost dropped his coffee and was able to save some of it thanks to his P.E skills. She couldn't contain her laugh and apologized to him dearly and kissed him. He kissed her back with passion, smiled at each other, and continued with their routine.

Meanwhile, Chi happened to witness everything in the living room. Her eyes widened when they were kissed. She shut the door quietly and is now hesitant to go out of the room. A thought came up in her head and fantasizes about a similar situation with the boy and herself. Her face blew up from embarrassment and jumps to her bed giggling to herself. She eventually stops to realize that the guy is an enemy and must be teased to claim victory. She clenches her fist and shows confidence in winning against him for once. "I gotta sleep now to get better ideas on how to win against him." She rests her head and closes her eyes until "Bathroom!" Said Chi sprinting towards the bathroom while untroubled with her parents. After a while, Chi finally calmed down and fell asleep on her bed. The second her eyes closed, she is back at the restaurant with her young mother. Chi looks around and asks her if the boy is around. Young Takagi is confused with her question.

"What boy?" "You know, poker face, spiky hair boy?""No, I don't recall seeing him at all. You were staring into oblivion the whole time.""O-oh I see. Sorry.""That's fine, rather were you thinking about him?""Ehhhh!! No I-I wasn't.""Hahaha, well let's eat up, and let's head back home.""But I was just at ho-" Said Chi as she realizes this is all just a dream."What?""Oh, nothing.""Alright then."

The two of them ate their meal and left. As they left, a wind gushes through them and a leaf landed on top of Takagi's eye. As she removed the leaf, she sees Nishikata in his casual pants, plain white shirt, and a cap avoiding eye contact with Takagi. Chi excuses herself and walks the opposite way. The wind got stronger and pulled Takagi hat off. She reaches her hand to grab it. Luckily, Nishikata manages to grab her hat but Takagi was in the middle of running, she tripped and fell on Nishikata. The two groan in pain and looked at each other in embarrassment. Nishikata couldn't believe his eyes as he finally saw Takagi embarrassed. She shrugged it off by laughing and got up. Nishikata got up after.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Takagi."Actually, I came to your house but you weren't there so I asked your mom and told me you and Chi were at a restaurant." Replied Nishikata."Well, here I am. Could it be that you want me to te-" Takagi was suddenly interrupted by a confident Nishikata?"Not only that, the other reason I was looking for you is..." Nishikata clenched and his fists and shook nervously until he gains courage and asked her with force."Would you like to go out on a d-date with m-m-me?" Said Nishikata closing his eyes fearing the inevitable.


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