Dream World

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Chi wakes up from her futon and is greeted by young Takagi again. "How are you?" Takagi asks. Chi gives her a thumbs up while yawning. The smell of pancakes has awoken her as her eyes widened and got up in a flash. The two of them head downstairs and the pancakes have her drooling. The three all ate their pancakes with smiles on their faces. As soon as they finished their breakfast, Takagi invited Chi to go out with her. She accepts without hesitation and heads outside with her.

The two walked around without saying a single word. Chi tries to strike up a conversation but was interrupted by Takagi striking the conversation first and asked her.

"Chi, was it your purpose to get Nishikata and me lost during the festival?" Asked Takagi as she turned and stared at her.

Chi was in the state of fear as she saw Takagi stare with a smile that pierces her soul. Her mouth trembled as she struggles to say a single word. Petrified as she stood in place without a single movement until eventually, she broke the icebreaker.

"Yes," Said Chi as she instantly closed her eyes and faced the other direction.

Her patience immediately died as she waited for Takagi's scolding words and takes a peek at her. She instead hugs her tightly. Chi is in confusion as to why Takagi hugged her so she let go of her  and asked "What do you mean?" Takagi placed her hands to Chi's shoulders and looked at her determination yet filled with embarrassment.

"I...like...Nishikata," Said Takagi as she faced down with a blushed expression.
"*Gasp* That's big news," Said Chi as she pretends to be shocked.
"Look, I just want to thank you for your effort because I think it was quite romantic, to be honest."
"It didn't because I messed up."
"That's fine. There's always a next chance." The two laughed and gave each other a pinky promise. 

The two arrived at a fast-food restaurant and Takagi ordered juice for the two of them. They found the only available seat. They sat across each other and Takagi stirs her drink and asks Chi that made her jump to her feet.

"So Chi-chan, do you like anyone?" Chi jumps out of her seat and screamed in embarrassment. The crowd stares at her and she slowly sits down on her seat and apologizes to everyone. Takagi muffles her laughs by covering her mouth with her hands.

"So that means you like someone else."
"N-no. I don't. There's no one I like."
"You're a lot like Nishikata."

An imaginary lightning stroke behind Chi as she realizes her genes taken for her father. She takes a piece of her shirt and fans herself with her hand whilst sweating nervously. She attempts to avoid the conversation and switch to the next but Takagi was persistent as she was able to return to the conversation. She smiles at her the same she does at Nishikata. Takagi looks around for a way to escape the embarrassment from her own young "mother". She notices a bunch of condiments and asks her to play a game.

"What game are we playing?"
"Let's play ISpy."
"Ehhh how come? Are you playing this game just to avoid my question?"  Said Takagi with a malicious smile while placing her chin on her hands protected by her elbows.
"N-NO. IT'S NOT!" Chi immediately covered her mouth and looked at her surroundings.
"Alright. Let's play."
"ISpy with my little eye, something that is red and hot."
"Pepper." Said Takagi immediately.
"Eeehhhh!!" Screamed Chi

Takagi's answer petrified Chi as she answered before a second. Chi has lost hope on her own game until Takagi says ISpy

"ISpy with my little eye something handsome."

Chi looked around finding someone that looks handsome to her until suddenly the door opens and she sees the boy. "What!? How did he get here? This is my dream...Oh right, It's a dream but why is he in my dream?" Thought Chi whilst staring at him. Takagi stares at Chi's direction in question. She sees the spiky-haired boy approaching the cashier.

"Ehhhh," said Takagi staring Chi with her relaxed posture with a teasing stare.
"N-no. It's not like that. I swear." Protested Chi.
"Sure. I believe you," said Takagi sarcastically.
"It's true. I swear."
"We'll see about that."

Takagi reached out her arms calls him. He notices Chi and leaves the waiting line. As he slowly approached, Chi thought to herself "Oh no, what am I supposed to do? This is a dream, right? I can't just remove him. Wait, why is he still there and why do I feel nervous all of the sudden?" The boy sat on his seat and called Chi to his attention.

"Hey, Chi." greeted the boy.
"H-h-h-hi." Squeaked Chi.
"I gotta order some more food. Why don't you sit here and keep her company," said Takagi as she left and gave her a wink.

Chi reaches her hand to her but gave up when she got far. The boy sat in front of her and she fidgets every part of her body while avoiding eye contact with him. An awkward silence fills the air each second. "How is he so composed? Is he waiting for me to talk to him or is he just finding a way to talk to me as well? Heh, I bet he's just acting cool to keep his embarrassing side." As she leaned back with her arms stretched to each side, the boy then asks "This doesn't make sense, does it?"

"What do you mean?" Chi asks.
"Oh come on, that was just your mother and we're not supposed to be born yet."
"How did you know?"
"Well, actually it's-"
"I'm back." Said Takagi as she returned with a tray of burgers and fries.

The boy gave up his seat and sat next to Chi. Takagi stares at the two of them looking away from each other. Takagi asks "How do you two know each other?" the boy snickers and stares at Chi. "Watch," says the boy at Takagi. He calls her out and holds her chin. Time has slowed down and Chi is too mesmerized by the boy's attractive face slowly leaning towards her. She attempts to break free but is too vulnerable to act as she closes her eyes and hopes for the best. Their noses touched and Chi is turning into a tomato. Suddenly a voice heard her calling. "Dear, hey dear." Chi's eye opened and sees adult Takagi looking at them. Embarrassed as she is, She opens her eyes and sees adult Takagi waking her up on her bed. Everything felt different so she sat up on her bed and looked around her surroundings. 

"Where am I?" Said the scared Chi.
"Shh, it's okay. You're in your bedroom," Said Takagi.
"Oh okay I see," Said Chi as she took deep breaths and calming down.
"You okay dear? You look like you had a bad dream."
"Well, it was kind of bad."
"Really? When you were asleep, your face was blushing."
"U-U-Uh *Blushes*"
"Like that."
"I-It's n-nothing like that mom. I'm hungry, let's eat," Said Chi attempting to escape the pressure and leaves the room.
"Hahaha. You remind me of your daddy."

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