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Takagi-San stood up and walked off. Nishikata stared at her back. Akari-San smirked. Nishikata sighed, his head starting to ache in confusion. Deciding that enough was enough, Nishikata rushed away from Akari-San, heading towards where Takagi-San had run off from. He ran as fast as he could, faster than he ever remembered running. He had to get some answers. Something inside of him broke when he saw Takagi-San runoff. Seeing her reaction made him feel like she knew something important, but couldn't seem to be able to tell him. He rounded the corner, ready to stay in his sprint when he saw Takagi-San, once again on the floor, only this time she had tears flowing in rivers from her eyes.

"Takagi-San, are you okay?"

His voice sounded so sincere, yet she now knew that he had probably been faking it the entire time. She looked up at him. He looked down at her. She patted the floor next to herself, signaling Nishikata to sit down, right next to her. He did so, relaxing against the wall. She looked at the opposite wall, feeling his gaze studying her features. It felt relaxing, and she felt safe around him, which didn't seem to make any sense. She just accepted her feelings, surrendering herself to the relaxing mood. She knew she had to tell him.

"Nishikita-Kun, I have something to tell you. Something that will probably shock you massively but, I really need to get this out there"

Nishikata nodded in acknowledgment, allowing her to continue on. Taking a deep breath, she told him the truth.

"On the day that you had your accident, you weren't protecting me, but a stranger who you had met on the street."

Nishikata stared off into space. What she had said couldn't be true right? Wasn't she just trying to save face? He needed some form of proof of this. Takagi-San read his face and could see this, so she provided it without him needing to ask for it.

"Do you remember where the accident happened?" she asked him.

"Yeah, on the intersection of the roads behind the abandoned warehouse, right?"

"Exactly. On our normal route home, you would have already dropped me off"

He thought about it and once again, Takagi-San was right. There was no logical reason that she would have been with him. He thought back and realized that the only person who had told him about Takagi-San causing the accident had been Akari-San, and he had never checked to verify her. He had trusted her, and she had betrayed that trust. Nishikata felt his anger levels rising, but then felt something hit his shoulder. Takagi-San's head. Nishikata froze, his anger fading away.

One thing he was sure of was that Akari-San was going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Betrayalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें