Part 16

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Izuku POV

   Bakugo came running at me with his right arm held back. Of course the usual right hook. Haven't changed a bit have you.
   I easily dodge it and end up behind him in the process. I sweep kick him and he lands on the ground getting angrier by the second.
   "DAMNIT DEKU!" I roll my eyes in response as he uses his quirk to quickly get back on his feet. I take a jump back making some distance between us.
   "What's wrong Bakugo? Scared you're gonna lose to me? Deku?" If he wasn't angry before he was now. He used his quirk to propel himself towards me practically flying. I jump over him and add a flip just to piss him off.
   "IM NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU DEKU!" He then gripped the grenade pin attached to the large grenade on his arms.
   "Bakugo stop that'll kill him if it hits him." Aizawa was clearly not amused by Bakugo's reckless behavior.
   "NO! NO! Please let him! This'll be a fight to the death if he does it! Just know that if you miss Bakugo.... I won't hold back." Everyone's eyes went wide. I was pissed. He really wants to be a hero? If he is trying to kill me I really doubt it.
   "DIIIIIEEEEE!" I quickly jumped out of the way into the air. Only part of the explosion hitting my feet. I landed in front of Bakugo and landed a punch straight in the face. I've been holding back. I won't now Kacchan. He flew onto the ground gripping his cheek. I then appeared in front of him and started kicking him in the stomach.
   "Give up Kacchan. Otherwise you'll be with recovery girl for weeks." I was mad. Really mad. How did this homicidal asshole get into UA? Did they really see that much potential in him? They let angry little dogs in instead of people with real potential.
   "COME ON GET UP KACCHAN? WHAT ARE YOU SURPRISED THE ROLES ARE REVERSED FOR ONCE?" At this point it was getting out of hand. Even I knew that. I didn't care though. I wanted him to feel the pain I felt for years. I wanted him to hurt.
   "Midoriya. Either end the round or you lose." Aizawa said with a stern and mad voice. I scoff while looking down at Bakugou who was sitting down clutching his stomach coughing up blood.
   "I know you won't surrender so I'll make this easy for both of us." We were somewhat close to the edge so I kicked him out of the ring. I turned to see everyone's eyes looking at me with pure fear. Except Todoroki. He just looked taken aback, surprised not scared.
   "Are we done here?" Huffing out I asked Aizawa. Which in return he nodded. On my way out I saw Kirishima and Pikachu carrying Bakugo out probably to recovery girl.
He'll think twice next time he messes with me. I heard shoes tapping against the floor at a rather rapid speed. I turn and see Todoroki.
   "Are you okay?" I look up at him not able to hold it in any longer. I feel tears start to stream down my face.
   "I-I'm sorry. It's just he was such an asshole and-and I went to far. I understand if you hate me. You saw my bad side and I get it if you don't want to date me and-" before I could finish my sentence I felt Todoroki's hands cupping my face wiping the tears off my cheeks.
   "We all make bad choices. I would do the same if someone attempted to kill me." He smiles slightly and I hug him tightly.
   "Come on lets get you home Izuku." I feel my self get flustered hearing my name roll off Todorokis tongue. I just push myself further into his chest and mutter out 'ok'.
   I texted Aizawa and let him know I would be walking home with Todoroki. He was fine with it as long as we stayed safe. I held onto Todorokis hand as we made our way there.
   "Hey why don't we go on our first date?" I squeezed Todorokis hand getting a little excited just thinking about it.
   "Sure make sure you text your dad though." I nod and let my dad know. Guess I should get used to calling him dad now huh?
   "Where do you want to go?" He puts his finger on his chin and thinks for a minute then responds.
    "Why don't we go to the new coffee shop in town? It just opened down the street." I nod excitedly in response and we make our way there.
   We make our way inside of the little coffee shop with a ding from the door. We walk up to the counter to order our drinks. At the counter is a boy around our age with dark blood red hair and black eyes. (Just a rando I made).

Todoroki POV

   We had walked up to the counter and I noticed that the barista was eyeing Izuku. Almost instinctively I pulled him into my side holding him with one arm. I saw him roll his eyes and force a smile. Midoriya was taken aback by my sudden action.
   "What can I get for you today?~" He has a seductive tone and he focused his attention on Izuku. I will freeze your ass. Better back the fuck up.
   "I'll have a medium black coffee—what do you want babe?" I answered instead of Izuku catching the barista off guard and earning a grunt. I made sure to emphasize "babe" to make it clear that Izuku was MY BOYFRIEND..... kinda....
   "Umm I'll have a medium caramel frappe please." He says with a smile that would put the sun to shame.
   "Of course~ I'll have it out in about five minutes." He says again in a seductive tone. I glare at him and bring izuku to a table.
   "You okay? You look mad." Izuku asked me clearly worried about why I had a scowl on my face. I soften my face a bit just looking at him.
   "Yeah. That barista just pissed me off a little bit." He nods.
   "Yeah that happens to me some times but I just try to ignore it." I thought he just hadn't noticed it. Then again Izuku is probably the smartest person I know. Aside from Nezu.
   "Here are you drinks." The barista comes over with our drinks and a napkin. Handing the napkin to izuku. Izuku had an annoyed look on his face when he looked at the napkin so I looked at it.
   "Sho don't do anything." Izuku said in a pleading voice. As cute as it is for you to say my name and all this will not slide.
   "Sorry babe but this is some bullshit." The napkin had the baristas number on it and a note saying 'let me know when you wanna lose your boyfriend'. I was pissed. I walk up to the counter and grab the guys collar. Luckily since the place had just opened nobody except the staff and Izuku and I were here.
   "I rarely lose my cool but I don't take kindly when people hit on my boyfriend." I say with an emotionless expression. He rolled his eyes again clearly not taking my threat seriously.
   "Sho-" before Izuku could stop me my hand had heated up and was around his throat. I wasn't choking him I was just burning his throat a little.
   "Talk to me or my boyfriend again and I won't just give you a little burn." I say with the same monotone voice. I then drop him and grab our coffees. Izuku follows me out the door.
   "Sho- that could've gone better..." I shrug and hand him his coffee as we make our way to his house.


Hope you enjoyed!

~Total words 1324~

Vigilante Viridity (Vigilante Deku) (TodoDeku)Where stories live. Discover now