what you admire about him...

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His ability to relax, or more specific, his ability to stand back and let you deal with your problems and fights by yourself unless you ask him to help you out or he gets the feeling that you need help. He doesn't want to be an over controlling or dominant boyfriend. He recognizes that you are perfectly capable of dealing with stuff on your own and he lets you. 


You admire his chivalry, from small things like asking if he can hold your hand or hug you or kiss you to bigger things like holding open the doors and serving you before himself. A lot of young men did not act this way so you were ecstatic that he was such a well mannered gentleman. 


Read Shikamarus. 


you admire the fact that he is so open and comfortable with you. After years of keeping his guard up he can finally open up to you. You also admire his loyalty and love for his siblings, a bond like that was truly admirable. 


you admire his protectiveness and how much he cares about the small things in your life, like making sure you have a hot tea instead of a cold one or wrapping another scarf around you if its cold out. He often didn't word his care but he showed it through actions like that. 


You greatly admired his determination and perseverance. the way he motivated you to learn more and try new challenges. 


you admired his patience. you had problems with people and it helped a lot to talk them out, especially with him. he listened to everything you said and would always give some helpful advice. 


you admire how he always offers to help you, with whatever. that guy bothering you? I'ma set him straight. You want that thing on the top shelf? I got it babe. I got the door, you go on ahead. Need help spreading that lotion on your back? Nah I'm kidding Neji would kill me.


Im working on 'he gets jealous' right now so just let me know what other ones you guys want. 

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