...First Kiss...

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you and Shikamaru were walking back to your house after another date, so far you've had about 5 and they all went awesome and you loved them. But you started to wonder about the first kiss, you knew at this point Shikamaru must really like you if you guys were hanging out. 

your house came into view and you had to quickly make up your mind. Ok this is it, I'll just give him a quick peck on the lips and then head inside, I hope I'm not a terrible kisser

"thank you Shikamaru, like always I really liked spending time with you" you smile, nervously gulping 

he gives you a soft smile "I really like spending time with you too, wanna do it again this weekend?" 

you nod and then without giving it much thought you stepped forward, putting your hand on his shoulder and standing on you tip toes to reach his lips, before giving him a quick peck and turning away. 

"hold on" he says, gently grabbing your wrist and turning you back towards him "that wasnt exactly how I envisioned it"

he cupped your face in his hands, leaned down and pressed your lips together. you move your arms to around his neck as he moves a hand to hold your back. 

"how was that?" he asked, smirking against your lips.

a blush rose up on your cheeks as you smile  "it was really good" 


this boy was a blushing mess walking you home from one of your dates 

"what is it Choji?" you questioned "is something wrong?"

he stops walking and you pick up his hand 

"nothing is wrong" he shakes his head "I was just- I uh"

you smiled and he continued "I was just, wondering if maybe, if you want to...Kiss?" he asked nervously 

you blushed as you nodded, you leaned forward and put your lips right in front of his 

he smiled into the kiss and slid his arms around your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck 


you and Garra were hanging out in his office after hours, it had been a long day and you were trying to get everything organized for the meeting he has tomorrow. you were sitting on his desk, drinking a cup of tea and making a jokes as you went through the old files for trash. 

"how many injuries from the academy? 23 in the past week??? I don't know whether or not we should tell those kids to go easier or toughen up" you laugh as you look up towards Garra

he was smiling softly up at you from the bin he was crouched next to, slowly standing up he made his way over to you, standing in front of you 

you slowly placed your cup down as he cupped your face and leaned forward, softly pressing his lips against yours

you uncross your legs and wrapped them around him, pulling him closer to you as you run your hands through his hair 


you were both lying on the roof to your apartment, his arm wrapped around you as you cuddled into his side 

you could feel his hot breath against the hair on the top of your head, sending waves down your spine. 

finally you turned your head up to look at his face, his lips just inches from yours

"Y/N" he says calmly before leaning his head closer to yours, almost against your lips but leaving the remaining space for you to close, pressing your slightly chapped lips to his and relishing the taste


 it was almost midnight, you and Neji had gotten preoccupied and had forgot about the 4 hour trek back home but luckily Neji had let you ride on hid back for an hour cause your feet hurt.

now you and him were quietly walking back to your shop, stopping right in front of it you quietly say "thank you so much Neji the trip was so helpful"

he nods, but in the faint light of the moon you see he isnt looking at your eyes but at your lips. you blush before fumbling for the key 

"Y/N" he asks, 

you pause and look up at him "yes Neji?"

he puts a finger under your chin and tilts your head up before leaning down and stopping his lips right in front of yours "may I kiss you?" 

your face flushes as you whisper "yes" and then his lips press softly against yours, him holding your hand gently before breaking apart 

"goodnight Y/N" he smiles,

"goodnight Neji"


you both had come back from a jog, Lee had convinced you to work out with him 

now here you were, leaning against a tree in the forest outside Konoha. even though you had said to go slow his slow was still pretty fast, which annoyed you 

"Lee" you laughed, "that was still so fast"

he stands in front of you, cupping your hands in his as he presses little kisses to them, making your giggle "I'm sorry beautiful flower" he kisses your forehead and brought his lips down to yours 

you gasp in shock but press into the kiss for a few seconds before he pulls himself away 

"Y/N" he cries out, kneeling in front of you and bowing "I am so sorry I should have asked first, Guy Sensei taught me better but I got carried away I am so sorry for mistreating you, to punish myself I will do 5000 laps around the village" 

"Lee" you console, leaning down next to him and pulling him back up so his face was before yours "its ok, I liked it. it just surprised me" you lean in and give him another quick peck and smiled at the light blush on his face 


it was right after you hid from the bug in his coat (you do something funny or adorable) he looked down and saw your adorable face and couldn't help but press a kiss to your forehead 

you gasp in shock before replying smoothly "you missed" and resting a finger on the edge of your smiling lips

he happily leaned down and softly pushed his lips against yours, you put an arm around his neck and another one around his head, pulling his face closer to yours. his arms wrapped around your waist and held you close to him 


were you at the puppy house again? yes, you were. was Kiba watching you be adorable as you followed the puppies around trying to clip their toenails? yes, he was. 

finally breaking from his stupor, he leaned forward and picked up a puppy and headed towards you. standing in front of you as you carefully clipped the puppy's nails the way he had shown you. 

your bit your lip lightly as you concentraited on the cut, careful not to hurt the puppy.

 with your eyebrows furrowed in concentration and you biting your lip he thought you looked adorable. and he could hardly hold back from planting a short, light kiss on your lips when you were done. 

you gasped and he turned around quickly, putting the puppy back down. you grabbed his wrist and turned him back towards you before standing on your tip toes, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling your lips closer to his, his hands held your hips against his body and you both smiled into the kiss.


I hope you guys liked that!!! remember to vote!

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