Part 1

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This is my first story I'm ACTUALLY submitting! So I hope you all like it! It is a tododeku story so I hope you all like it :)!

   Izuku POV

  It was like every other day. Except today I ran into Bakugo. Normally he would beat me to a bloody pulp but I guess going to UA has changed him and he only punched me in the face. My blood was dripping down from my nose. Every time I wiped it away it would just come back.
   My life has been like this ever since the doctor told me I was quirkless.  Full of bruises and pain. I thought at least Kacchan would understand and still be my best friend.... I had already lost my parents... Boy was I wrong....

Flashback (izuku is 5)

   It was late at night. We had gotten back from the doctors office around four hours ago. Around 9:00 at night now. I had awoken to screaming and crying. I get out of bed wanting to know the source of all the ruckus... I wish I'd stayed in bed that night... I tiptoe down the stairs and to the corner of the kitchen. Only to see my mother crying and my father screaming.
"What do you mean you're LEAVING?" My father was furious.
"I can't stand having a son who is quirkless! He was suppose to be strong!" My mother said looking back at my father with disgust.
"So you're just gonna LEAVE him with ME??" My father yelled angrily.
  At this point I was silently crying not wanting them to know I was there. In fear I would make things worse.
   "I'm leaving. That's final. He's absolutely useless!" And with that my mother grabbed her already packed bags and left.
  "D-daddy?" My father turned to look at me. I was sobbing at this point knowing it was my fault my mother had left.
  He looked at me with a cold stare.
"Go. Just go to your room." I did as he said. I went back into my room and ended up crying myself to sleep.


I woke up still sad from last night but happy I was able to see my best friend. I knew he was going to accept me for who I was. We'd been friends since we were babies. I was wrong.
  I get myself dressed and decide not to bother my father. The look he gave me last night made me feel as though he hates me. I ran outside and down to the park.
  When I got there I saw the familiar ash blonde boy and ran up to him. He looked at me and asked the question I had dread to hear.
   "So what's your quirk Izuku?" He asked me with so much curiosity in his eyes. I looked down and managed to stutter out "I-I'm quirkless K-Kacchan." What he did next I would've never expected.
   I felt a large pain in my stomach and was on the ground in less then a second.
   "What do you mean you're quirkless! Y-you're useless DEKU!" Kacchan yelled at me. I was just looking down shocked that my best friend could be capable of this. I managed to get up ignoring the pain and ran home.

I cried. All day. My dream of becoming a hero slowly fading...

~Flashback over~

Once I'd managed to get home after walking through the pain, I walk in to see an empty house. I wasn't surprised though. I never was. My father was normally out working, he cared more about working than he would ever me.
   I take this as a good time to work out. I knew I was never going to become a hero. I'd given up on the dream a long time ago. No I was going to become something better. I was going to become Viridity. A strong, fast, and intelligent vigilante. That helps the world without the judgement of others. I'm already a somewhat well known vigilante for taking down a few low level criminals. I haven't killed anyone... yet. I normally just knock them out, tie them up and call the police leaving the location.
   Before working out I decide it would be best to take a shower and get the blood off of me.
   I could easily beat up Bakugo if I wished but, that would just cause suspicion along with my father getting angry. Bakugo has a sloppy way of getting things done. Letting his emotions get the better of him while he fights. I of course avoid him the best I can either way knowing I could blow my cover if I fight back.
   I jump in the shower and wash off the disgustingly dry blood that was running down my nose earlier. Once I get out I wrap the towel around my waist and get straight to patching up my cuts. Sure Bakugo wasn't very tactical with his fighting but his quirk was powerful. Leaving scars all over my body from the countless times he's beaten me up.
   I look in the mirror at all the scars I had. Wether they were from Bakugo or from my father. They both despised me just for being quirkless. I remembered a time when I still called Bakugo "Kacchan" and we would play around in the park. Along with times when my father and mother would hug my and we would watch movies together as a family. Those times are so far away now.
   I walk out of the bathroom and look through my closet looking for a certain bag. "There you are" I mumble to myself. My father wouldn't be back until probably 12:00 am. Even then he probably won't bother to check on me and it's already 9:00pm.
   I put on my vigilante outfit. A black undershirt that goes up to my neck that protects me from knifes along with a dark green hoodie I use to hide my hair. I slide on the ripped black jeans and put the half mask on my face. It was a metal mask with a voice amplifier in it in order for people to think I was older than I was and to not recognize my voice. Not that I would be speaking that much anyways.
   After I'm all ready I look out the window and make sure nobody is looking. I open it and jump down the fire escape. Little did I know tonight was gonna be the start of a lot of fun.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter. I realized I was spelling quirk wrong half way through and I didn't feel like going through the entire thing again just to change it :(

~Total words 1132~

Vigilante Viridity (Vigilante Deku) (TodoDeku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz