things you do together

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you like to relax since your jobs are very stressful but, you also like to explore. on days off you and Shikamaru can be found taking a walk around the woods, hand in hand, you like to watch all the birds and hear the breeze blow through the trees. you also can be found laying down in the park watching the clouds, although you find this boring so you usually fall asleep, curled into Shikamarus side with his arm wrapped protectively around you, he'll plant a kiss on your forehead and then continue to gaze up at the stars. 


recently you have been teaching him to cook, he was always more focused on the eating part of the food and not the cooking part. you will go over to each others houses and you will help teach him how to prepare a meal. you will holds hands as you lean over the stove, he loves learning this new thing and you love having such a cute and polite student. 


after office hours were the only time you guys could hang out, except for days off, and those were scarce. a few days a week you would both wake up early, meet up at a coffee shop and enjoy your drinks on your early morning walk to work. after the works hours you would usually heat up some tea or some instant noodles and sit at his desk, finishing up paperwork or just talking. 


after you got promoted to Jonin you switched from guard duty at the gates to guard duty at the Kazekages office, this meant spending more time with Kankuro for breaks in-between your shifts and his meetings. you would always be doing different things whenever you could, whether it was morning coffee, late night noodles, midday ice cream, a long walk along the wall or a short nap on the bench that sat on the roof of the building. 


he absolutely just loves doing anything with you just being near you, he helps you out around the shop, goes with you into the forest to collect herbs and plants, holds you while you read in your nook, because of his busy schedule and your job, you guys don't usually schedule dates, you just always find the other person when you are free and hang out, which means he'll walk into the shop and stay for an hour or two before having to leave for a meeting or you will be walking home when he appears and you guys go and eat dinner together. 


after yall started dating, your mom had insisted inviting Lee over for dinner every week or at least once and it turned into a weekly tradition, except for if he was on a mission. and he was on missions quite often because of as he called it 'amazing talents and abilities' you laughed at that and while you did miss him you were very proud of him for how far he had come and how strong he was. he would always try to stop by your window before you went to bed, he always had his eyes covered with his hand before he lightly tapped on the window incase you were changing because as he said 'guy sensei said we must respect women's privacy' he would always tell you how beautiful you were before kissing your  forehead and saying goodnight 


he loved doing anything with you, he even came over once while you were folding laundry and washed your dishes for you cause he was 'bored' but he was really just tired of being alone and wanted to be near you. his favorite thing to do with you would be to cuddle, he just really needs that human touch so he will usually chill with you on your couch while ya'll read a book and he would just hold you, his nose buried in your hair and sometimes his lips would kiss your ears or head. 


after your first date you absolutely loved visiting Kiba's family and helping out with feeding or training the puppies. his family loved to have you over for meals and you loved the warm environment they had. you both loved cuddling and would cover each others faces in kisses every time you said goodnight, which annoyed the shit out of Neji when he would wait up for you only to open the door to you basically making out with Kiba, which would result in you getting tugged away and Kiba getting shoved into the street, you each laughing your asses off as you loudly proclaimed your love for each other which annoyed Neji even further. 

dialogue would go like this 

Neji rips you two away "I love you Kiba" you shout, smiling widely and holding back a laugh as Neji pulled you away 

"My love for you shall never expire" Kiba would return dramatically , on his knees from where Neji had thrown him, an arm extended towards your disappearing figure and a hand over his heart "I love you my beautiful lavender eyed princess"

by then you would have both erupted in laughter. 


ok but I just had way to much fun with Kibas come to think of it I shoudlve done a 'how you say goodnight chapter' maybe that'll come up next. excluding Lee and Kiba ofc 


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