you do something funny or adorable

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you did it, he almost died laughing in the command room but had to hold it back 

you and your team were running through the forest and had fallen into a trap, the forest floor gave way and shuriken launched out of the triggers, luckily your team managed to dodge all of them and as soon as you were out of danger you started laughing, remembering what Shikamaru said and shaking your head.


you had not meant for this to happen, you were cooking instead of serving today as it was your moms day off, you spent too long looking out the door at Choji as he ate with team 10 that you had set the dumplings on fire and accidentally threw them on the ground, creating little rolling balls of fire that soon burned out, you laughed in embarrassment as you picked them up and threw them away as your father shook his head holding back a smile, Choji also saw but he thought it was adorable that you were able to laugh it off.


he hadn't exactly taken you seriously when you told him you would throw that man out the window the next time he came back but when he heard raised voices coming from your desk down the hall he picked up his tea cup and made his way to the window, taking a long sip as he heard glass break and saw a man go flying by into a sand dune, he almost spit the tea out at how comical it was


he had seen you leaving your apartment with your teammates, you were going to meet up with him and then do some training, he saw you trip in excitement and roll down the stairs, he was worried at first but after you started laughing he thought it was hilarious, especially so when you stood up only to trip again after that he ran laughing so you could hold his arm and stop tripping 


you and him were hanging out at your shop, usually it consisted of him helping you with little tasks around the shop, right now you were grinding up some herbs for the pregnancy stretch mark skin restoration cream you sold, the herbs were the easy but there was this disgusting slimy plant that needed to be included that you called "the death plant" it didn't have nay bad side effects and it was extremely beneficial as a face mask or cream but it was so slimy and such a gross color that it almost made you throw up whenever you touched it 

you reached your hand into the bowl holding the plant, all you had to do was peel the skin off but it was so gross, you wrinkle your nose in disgust only to hear a snort from the man next to you 

"NEji?" you exclaimed 

he clears his throat "Im sorry Y/N but your face was adorable" rolling your eyes you continue to try to peel the skin, getting more laughs from Neji 


you tripped while shopping, that's it, but this boy thought you were beautiful with your flushing face as you tripped into him 


you and Shino were hanging out in the park just chilling and eating a snack when this huge wasp-thing landed on you, usually you didn't mind bugs but what Shino thought was adorable was when you pushed your body against his, your face against his chest and his coat hanging over your frame , you couldn't see it but he lightly blushed as he sent the bug away, you were just too cute, a total savage sometimes but acting like this over a bug 


 you asked if you could go back to visit Akamarus puppies, it had been a few weeks so they were old enough for you to pet, but when you made it there you immediately plopped on the floor and started petting them and receiving little puppy kisses. he just knew you were adorable just loving something so openly like that, he leaned against the wall with Akamaru sitting next to him as he watched you be cute.



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