what his family/friends think of you

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Asuma of course loves you, he thinks you and Shikamaru would make a great couple, having many similar interests but you were also different. he supported as he knew that you would always protect each other. he knew you well enough to know you weren't one to screw around with peoples feelings. 

Ino and Choji thought It was weird when Shikamaru came to training one day with a trace of a smile on his face. they were so confused about it until they were walking through the streets and were stopped when they heard Shikamarus name called, only to be stopped by you as you tackled Shikamaru in a hug, his face turned beet red and he stuttered his greetings, you then ran off saying you were late to meeting up with your team but you said hello to his teammates and continued on your way, Choji and Ino thought it was adorable and almost died laughing looking at Shikamarus flushed face.


Asuma thought it was hilarious when Choji admitted he thought the waitress was cute, that's why he left Choji to pay the bill and say goodbye to the waitress, at least that's the reason he let them think.

Ino of course thinks its adorable to see him that shy cause of a pretty girl,. she waited for him outside and gave him some tips on the walk home on how to ask you out and what to do 

Shikamaru literally thought 'what a drag' and then hoped Choji would make a move and not be sitting on this for long, he wanted what was best for his friend but he didn't want to get involved in that 


he had told his siblings all about the cute assistant he works with and their date 

temari thinks it was high time her brother start looking into dating but her protective big sister instincts kicked in, her brother had been through a lot and she didn't want you to add onto that. so she made a trip to talk to you pretending to need to see Garra about something but knowing full well he was in an hour long meeting so she got to talk to you instead

Kankuro also wants whats best for Garra but he cant help but be curious as to how cute you are and maybe he wants to know your schedule too, which results in a laughing Kankuro getting thrown out of the house 


Temari was glad her brother had met someone but she did want to make sure that this girl wasn't stupid, much to her disappointment she was watching your house just as you were leaving with your teammates and you tripped and rolled down the set of stairs on the side then jumped up and proceeded to trip again, this time over your own feet 

Garra was just glad his brother found someone but declined Temaris invite to stalk you 


Hinata thought you were a nice person 

Hiashi thought you were talented and a good person 

both his teammates teased him the day afterwards for how did he find such a cute and nice girl? then he punched Lee and told him he would go get him some ointment for that, making his way to his favorite shop 


his teammates think you are adorable and are happy Lee found a girl, they just hoped you woudlnt hurt him 

Guy was exstatic for Lee, canceling the next days training for an etiquette lesson for how to treat girls and date planning 


both his teammates were so happy for him for being happy, they knew you well and were haopy for the both of you. of course Kiba teased Shino a lot more 


Hinata thought the two of you were cute, she trusted Kiba with you but still kept up her protective sister side. 

Shino could care less

Inuzuka clan loved you as soon as they saw you, all covered in puppies and laughing, leaning against Kiba, his eyes full of adoration for you. they just knew they had to love you and made you feel very welcome on your visit. 


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