what your family/friends think of him

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Asuma (your uncle); he thinks Shikamaru is a fine Shinobi. he knows that once Shikamaru forms this kind of bond he will always respect and protect you, he knows that what he feels towards you isn't some schoolboy thing and he's not gonna screw around in a relationship but actually try to make it work.

teammates: they knew you needed someone else to talk to, you talk so much and want to enjoy the small things in life (like bird watching and smelling all the flowers) and they were happy that you found a guy that they knew as opposed to one they didn't, they had heard about Shikamarus strategy making and how he protected his teammates 


your mom and dad both think that Choji is a sweet young man and they hope that everything goes well between the two of you, they don't know him very well but they hope he will respect and protect you and make you happy


you literally have no family if you are reading for Garra, sorry. buuuuut you have a friend 

friend (you told her everything after the date) she thinks you guys would be cute, she knows you need someone to hold you down in life as you tend to float around and she has a feeling the Kazekage needs someone to brighten up his life and you would be just the person 


you didn't really tell anyone about your date but your neighbor saw him walk you home and she thinks that you two are adorable together, 


you father was a merchant who was traveling to different lands right now but you wrote him all about the handsome shinobi and he thought it was nice that you had someone. he knew the respectable Hyuga clan and had met Neji before and thought he was a very good man. he was at ease knowing that you had picked a good man and he knew that Neji would protect you. 


to say your mother loved Lee would be an understatement, she was absolutely thrilled that you had met a handsome, polite, strong young man and he was just tooooo cute. she admired how respectful he was, as ,many people weren't and she loved his way of talking, calling you a beautiful flower. she supported a relationship between the two of you.


your teammates were confused as to what you saw in the guy but they were fine with it, a little confused as they knew a few other shinobi who had been chrushing on you but they supported it, they did want to get to know him better after you said you hoped you would go on more dates.


Hinata thought you two were adorable, especially after hearing about your first date. she knew Kiba well and knew he would never hurt you but she couldn't help but feel protective over you and your feelings, giving Kiba a short talk about how he better not hurt you or he wouldn't want to know what happened. after he promised her she was more at ease.

Neji is like a big brother to you, he trusted Kiba enough to protect Hinata as they were teammates but he knew that dating was a different relationship but still trusted Kiba when he saw how he protected everyone. he only wants whats best for you and that's what makes you happy, he knows you are perfectly capable of protecting yourself but wants to make sure that if Kiba tries anything he will kill him...


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