picks you up for the date...

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looking in the mirror in the bathroom you fluff your hair, you had gone with (your favorite hairstyle) and F/C short Yukata type dress. your goal was to pretty but not overdo it with too much, you looked casual enough to be at a BBQ and dressed up enough to go to a semi-formal dinner. 

you sigh looking over at the clock, it's 5 minutes till 6, 

picking up your small purse you rummage through it ensuring you have the essentials, some chapstick, a small package of tissues,  $20, and a handful of shuriken. 

just as you were checking your hair again, a knock sounds on the door, you slow yourself down as you go to answer it 

Shikamaru stands there in black shirt and pants, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a bouquet of flowers 

"hey Shikamaru" you greet "come on in" you gesture into your home

he nods "hey Y/N" once inside, you shut the door slightly, turning back to him 

he looks at you in slight astonishment "you look very pretty tonight" he says, his face tinted pink as he extends the bouquet towards you "I got you some flowers, I wasn't sure what you liked so my friend helped me" 

"thank you" you reply, taking the bouquet and putting them up to your nose, smiling as you inhaled the sweet scent "this is the second time I've ever been gifted flowers" you walk off towards the kitchen to put them in a vase 

"when was the first?" he asked curiously as he bends to examine the picture frames on your mantel

you pull out the only vase you own and fill it halfway with water before unwrapping the flowers and rearranging them into the vase "it was Asuma" you answer "he got me a bouquet after I graduated but I forgot to put them in a vase so they died really fast" you sigh remembering that unfortunate pile of dead flowers on your old table "but" you say with satisfaction "I put these in water right away so they should be good for a few days" you laugh and he smiles 

"well" he begins, looking around "you ready to get going?" 

you nod your head as you grab your purse and sling It over your shoulder "lead the way" you smile 


you nervously glance up at the clock, its 6:52 and you hadnt changed yet. your favorite outfit is waiting in the bathroom in the back room and you could leave to get ready as soon as you brought the dishes out to the last tabel you were waiting on 

as soon as the dishes slide across the counter you wisk them off and lay them at the table, giving a quick 'I hope you enjoy' before nearly running off to change

locking yourself in the bathroom you throw on the cute yukata and take your hair out of your tight bun so it relaxed around your shoulders in loose waves 

you quickly applied a little mascara and grabbed your purse, running out of the bathroom and heading straight for the door 

"have fun" your mother calls from the counter 

"not too much fun" your father hollars from over the stove 

you laugh and wave goodbye, opening the door so quickly you almost run into Choji 

He looked nice, wearing olive pants and a black button up with his clan symbol on it, one hand outstretched to hold your elbow as you steadied yoruself and another hand holding a single (favorite flower) 

you straighten up and smile "hey Choji" you greet 

"h-hey Y/N" he smiles, holding out the flower "you look very pretty in that yukata" you smile and he stutters "I mean, you look very pretty all the time but the dress is really, uggh I-"

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