how you meet...

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you were chilling at the library playing Shoji with your Uncle Asuma. At the end of your game, when you where getting up to leave a young man with a Chunin vest and spiky ponytail came in. You paused your goodbye saying to look at him, the young man had halted in the dooway. He stuttered with saying a greeting before handing a scroll to Asuma. 

Asuma takes the scroll "Thank you Shikamaru, Y/N this is my student Shikamaru, though I must say he now surpasses me, Shikamaru this is my niece Y/N" 

"nice to meet you" you say, doing a small bow 

"you as well" he says, bowing back 

"well I fear I must go" begins Asuma, slipping the scroll in his pocket "I will see you next week Y/N" 

"Goodbye Uncle" you wave as he walks off 

you and Shikamaru exit the building at the same time, you pause awkwardly as you consider how to say goodbye

"w-would you" Shikamaru starts "can I walk you home" he ends with a smile 

you giggle and nod "yes I would like that Shikamaru"


you were a new civilian waitress at Team 10s favorite BBQ restaurant. you made your way over to the line of tables you were serving, taking orders and bringing drinks. 

"hi I'm Y/N and I'll be your waitress today, what can I get started for y'all?" you ask, whipping out your notepad and smiling at the table 

"i'll have the umm , the uh ummm, ugh" A larger boy stutters, you have to hold back a giggle for how red his face was turning he's actually quite cute

" this is the first time I've seen Choji speechless when it comes to ordering" giggles the girl sitting at the table

the other two men chuckle and place their orders, I scribble them down and take the girls order and wait for the other boy - Choji to place his order 

"he'll have what I'm having" speaks up the young man with the ponytail "times 3 please" 

"of course" you say, doing a little bow and whipping back to the kitchen with their orders 


you came back with the bill to find only Choji left, you smile kindly as you hand him the bill and begin to clear the table 

"thank you- Y/N" he says as he pays the bill and quickly exits 

you smile, hoping that he will be back soon 


you were drafted to be one of the new Kazekage's assistants, as you make your way to his office with the tea, you adjust the ribbon on your Kimono, wanting to make a good first impression. 

you knocked gently before opening the door to his office, the Kazekage had his head buried in a scroll, the tips of his red hair sticking out behind it. 

you smile and clear your throat softly "your tea, my lord" you carefully put it next to him on the desk 

"thank you" he says in a raspy voice, his teal eyes meeting yours "may I ask what your name is?" 

"oh" you say surprised "my name is Y/N" you smile 

"its a pleasure to meet you, thank you again for the tea" the corners of his lips slightly tilted up 

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