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A/N: This one is for you, PercivalMolk

Opening the door, Nishikata walked into the classroom, the same as he would any other day, but almost immediately he noticed that something was wrong. As he walked in, he heard the class give an almost universal sigh of relief. Confused by this, he went and asked Hamaguchi-Kun, his good friend. However, as he asked the question, he noticed that Hamaguchi winced, clearly not being happy with what he was about to say. Suddenly, his eyes changed and he went back to his normal self.

"If you really want to know, then you can go and ask Akari-San." He said, pointing towards Nishikatas good friend. Satisfied with his friends' answers, Nishikata replied with a simple thanks, and walked off to where Akari-San was talking with her friends. As he approached her, he noticed the look that all her friends gave her, and he saw her face transform to a mix of sadness and worry for somebody. She said something to her friends, and then turned to face him. As he went to speak, she put up her hand to silence him.

"Listen, I'll tell you about it after school, but- ". Nishikata cut her off. He told her that he couldn't talk with her after school because he was going to a cake shop with Takagi-San. Studying her face to see her reaction, Nishikata wasn't surprised to see a mix of disappointment mixed in with relief on her face. She replied with a simple "Ok, I'll tell you tomorrow." Nishikata nodded and then left back to where his friends were waiting for him.


It was the end of the day, and once again the entire class was silent, looking between Nishikata, Takagi-San and Akari-San. In order to break the silence, Nishikata walked over to Takagi-San and asked her if she was ready to leave. This prompted another shocked response from the entire classroom, and once again Nishikata was confused, but this time, he was also annoyed. Looking around at his classmates, he wondered why they were all giving him worried looks, and he decided that he would have to speed up his plan to find out the truth about that day, and how he should behave around Takagi-San.

As they walked out of the class together, the entire classroom relaxed, hoping that the way they had been acting had been enough for them to get the bonus that Akari-San had said she would give them if she felt Nishikata was properly convinced.

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