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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, been busy with school but now with COVID-19 causing lockdown, I have more time to write. :)

"Finally, freedom at last." 

Nishikata took a deep breath and savored the feeling of the fresh air rushing into his lungs. He hadn't realized how much the outside world meant to him until he had been stuck in his hospital room for a whole month, only being allowed to go outside twice during his entire stay. He walked with his parents to the car, wishing to get home and have some of his mom's home cooking as soon as possible. 

Looking out the window of the car, Nishikata reflected on how much he had taken trips like this for granted before, never once thinking much of his travels. They finally arrived home after the 30 Minute drive and Nishikata rushed up to his room and flopped onto his bed. Oh, how he had missed his fluffy, comfortable bed. After a few minutes of basking in the glory of his bed, he stood up and went over to his desk. He checked his phone quickly, checking to see if he had gotten any new messages when suddenly his Mom burst into his room. 

As he turned to look at her, she said, "Someone's here to see you Nishikata." He nodded quietly and quickly followed her down the stairs to the living room, where he was surprised to see Takagi-San sitting in one of the armchairs. They quickly locked eyes but she quickly turned away and looked at her feet in shame. Confused, Nishikata sat down opposite her and looked at his mom who was walking out of the room, leaving them with only the company of one another.

They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes until finally, Takagi-San said something. 

"So, h-how are you?" she quietly asked. He considered how he should respond to her for a few moments, thinking about what Akari-San had told him about his injury in the hospital a few weeks ago, before responding with a simple, "Fine, thanks". They fell into another awkward silence for a few minutes until finally, Takagi-San thought of another thing to say to Nishikata. "Look Nishikata-Kun, I'm really sorry for what happened." Nishikata felt confused, he knew that he apparently saved Takagi-San from being hurt, but he still had no idea of what had fully happened. "Uh Takagi-San about that, I don't remember what happened at all," he replied quietly. 

Takagi-San couldn't quite believe what she had heard, as she had believed ever since the incident that Nishikata knew what had happened and that he was just ignoring her. With this new information, Takagi-San realized that she could completely manipulate the situation to make herself look irresistible to Nishikata. 

She smiled with a terrifyingly creepy look on her face, which Nishikata noticed as he looked at her, sending a shiver down his spine.

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