Part forty-one

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The airport.
(Chloe's POV)

I looked at the flight times for the airport.

Beijing. 11:50
Brazil. 12:15
San Diego. 2:45
London. 4:10
Paris. 5:37
Rome. 7:09
Moscow. 8:47
Binz. 9:43

Ugh. Binz. I hate Binz.

I couldn't figure out where Jamie would want to go.

"Hey!" I turned and saw Rhodey running up to me in civilian clothes. "So who exactly don't you want to leave?"

"Jamie Hays. I knew him as a kid." I sighed chewing on my lip.

"Wait. You knew him as a kid? I thought you were raised by Hydra." I gave him a knowing look. "Oh."

"For a long time I thought I was the last one. Turns out Jamie wasn't as dead as I thought though. Long story short he ended up in the hospital, and now he's missing." I turned back to the board with the fight times.

"Okay. So where would this Jamie be going exactly?" Rhodey asked.

I sighed.

I honestly didn't know.

I shrugged. "I could scan everyone's mind. See if I can find him. But I don't know how long that would take. Plus I'm not very skilled at telepathy."

I turned yo Rhodey and saw him staring at me. "Long story for another time. I got telepathy. Deal with it. No I don't read your minds. Often."

I walked over to the ticket desk and went up to the lady behind the counter. "How can I help you?" She asked nicely.

"Hi. Um...I'm looking for a friend. His name is Jamie Hays. I think he might have bought a ticket very recently. I was wondering where it was too." I said nicely.

"I'm sorry ma'am. Unfortunately I'm not aloud to give out costumer information." I sighed agitated.

No one ever helps.

"Listen. I get that. But this guy I'm looking for. He just escaped from a hospital. He was seriously hurt, and I just want to find him. Here. This is...a picture of him." I said handing her my phone. "Could you just tell me if you recognize him? Please? It's really important."

The lady looked at me and sighed. "You're one of the Avengers, aren't you?" I nodded with a sigh as she handed me my phone back.

Now we were getting somewhere.

"He bought a ticket about twenty minutes before you came. It's funny actually. The money he gave me, went missing right after he left."

I rubbed my temples. "Yeah. That would be his powers."

The lady looked at me like I was crazy. "Don't ask. Keep going. Where did he get a ticket to?"

"Brazil. And he left this here too. He looked kinda crazy in the eyes of you know what I mean."

"Unfortunately I do." I said taking a piece of paper from her. "Listen. Thanks. Do uh, do you know where the plane for Brazil is?"

"Down that way. Gate fifteen." I said thanks and walked back to Rhodey.


"Well, he's headed to Brazil for some reason. The lady at the counter said he left this behind." I said holding up the paper and he took it.

"Who's...Charlotte?" He asked.

"What?" I ripped the paper out of his hands.

"Charlotte. Says right there."

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