31 - Ninja... Or Not

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Renka's win dictates her next opponent as Shouto (yikes) but she'll be damned if she lets apprehension distract from the battles between.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami Fumikage sics 'em Quirk, the edgy creature extending ghastly arms.

"I'm not going down so easily, Tokoyami!" Ojiro deflects one claw by hitting it at the wrist with a forearm and the remaining with his tail. Hip twisting, his right leg snaps up in a roundhouse kick! "HURK!"

The angle, proximity and power at their most optimal, the kick is impossible to evade... had Dark Shadow been a normal "person", that is. The creature's neck stretches back like it's made of rubber, beyond the reach of Ojiro's foot. The yellow, circular lights that are its eyes narrow slightly, reminiscent of a pleased bird.

"Shit!" Ojiro rushes to regain his footing but the early bird catches the worm...

The claw that his tail deflected latches onto its end and in the next second Ojiro hangs from the air by his tail. Dark Shadow keeps its appendages out of Ojiro's flailing limbs and leisurely drops him outside the ring.

"Didn't get a shot in even once..." Ojiro grumbles. Although Tokoyami's match with Momo was brief, it was enough for Ojiro to surmise two weaknesses. Dark Shadow's beaked head, which he went for, and the "umbilical cord" that connects the creature to its master. Ojiro never got to prove either theory though. While dejected, he shakes Tokoyami's hand and hi-fives Dark Shadow.

When Ojiro trudges through the annex to return to the stands, he's blocked by a long-legged teen leaning against a wall.

Hitoshi rubs the back of his neck, "Congrats on making top 10."

Ojiro shrugs, "Thanks." He flashes a smile at the boy's grumpy cat look. "Real glad I joined your group for the Cavalry Battle else I wouldn't have made it here."

Half-lidded eyes open a little. What a day of surprises; people are telling Hitoshi things that never reached his ears in all 15 years of his life. "... It was a team effort."

Ojiro claps his former teammate's shoulder, "Your Quirk is neat but your luck isn't... you just had to draw Midoriya. Pretty sure no one else could have gotten themselves out of your Brainwash."

Hitoshi is reminded of his fluffy-haired opponent and how easily he fell for Hitoshi's ploys, "He's an oddball, that one," then there's that girl and her idiosyncrasies so he wraps up, "Your class has a number of them..."

"Wish I could but I can't deny that... they're all good kids tho, promise! Anyway Shinsou, I'm heading to the stands to catch Nirengeki in action, you coming with?"

"No," Hitoshi waves his lit phone, indicating that he'll watch the live broadcast in the annex.

"There's someone I'm waiting for."


The stage is unharmed so the next match follows before long.

Shouda finds himself facing someone more volatile than Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (Shouda: Such a person existed?!) in the second match of the quarterfinals. His classmate Monoma Neito had offered insidious strategies but Shouda wanted to keep it solo. Victory or defeat will depend on his own abilities!

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