Part forty

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A few weeks later.
(Chloe's POV)

I sat across from the tutor that mom made me meet. I was doing an overall paper.

I hated these kind of papers. It's always super obscure stuff.

Besides, I was actually probably smarter then this lady. I didn't see why I needed a tutor; I was about as smart as Einstein.

"Alright. Times up. Let me see how you did." The lady said and I handed her my paper.

She sat there for a minute looking over the paper and then checking her book and then looking back at my paper. After about five minutes she frowned at me and said, "You got everything right."

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked suddenly worried.

Why was I worried? I have absolutely no idea.

"Most of these questions; college students have problems with them. Just from what's on this paper, I wouldn't be ashamed to say that you might be one of the smartest people in the world."

I stared at the lady dumbfounded.

I knew I was smart. But not that smart.

"How smart? Because if you're saying I'm smarter then Tony Stark, I think he might have a fit." I joked.

"I'm gonna take this and go over it some more, but I'm the meantime, you're free to go." The lady said grabbing my paper and leaving.

I shook my head at the retreating figure of the lady as I got up and went to my room.


New Years was two nights ago, which meant that it was now 2016.

It seemed like the last few months took forever.

I stared at the picture of Cooper, Lila, Nate, and I sitting in front of the Christmas tree we had here for Christmas. I could feel a smile spread on my face.

My birthday was in a fourteen days. Which meant that I would turn fourteen.

I'd be fourteen in fourteen days. Ha.

"Come in." I said.

"How did you even know I was there?" I looked up and saw Sam opening the door.

"I'm telepathic. I could hear you thinking." I grimaced.

"You read my thoughts?" Sam raised an eyebrow at me.

"No. Not often. I only do it as far as outside my door. But I don't necessarily do it all the time. Just when I'm by myself." I explained not sure if it made sense.

"Why?" I looked at Sam as if this was something he should know.

"Uh...I've been kidnapped, drugged, shot, shot out of the sky. I have my reasons." I crossed my arms over my chest.


Sam nodded his head in understanding. "So what did you need?" I asked.

"Oh, Cap wants us to meet him in the conference room. I think it's about a mission." I nodded at Sam and followed him as he left my room.


I walked into the hospital thinking about the mission.

"No, I can't come. As much as I'd love too, I have stuff to do." I told mom, Steve, Sam, and Wanda.

"Why not? What stuff?" Steve asked me raising an eyebrow.

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