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"COLBY!" I screamed, unable to keep quiet even though Kian still had a knife to my neck.

"Shut the fuck up!" Kian barked. He slammed me up against the wall of the outside of the house, my stomach pushed against it and my back facing him. The hand that had been around my waist was now grabbing a handful of my hair. He violently yanked my head back by my hair, stretching the cut on my neck open and giving him more access to it. "We play this my way, or you die," he hissed into my ear.

"You don't want to fuck with me, Kian," I whispered.

"The fuck did you just say to me?" he asked.

"You heard me," I said. I squeezed my eyes shut and put all of my focus into turning invisible and staying that way. Kian soon dropped the knife and let go of me, letting me know that it had worked.

"What the hell! Who the fuck are you!" Kian screamed. I turned around and shoved him over onto the ground.

"I'm Lilith. I'm Satan's soulmate. And you want to know who Satan is?" I asked. His eyes darted around frantically, searching for me. "Colby. Colby is Satan. Don't mess with me, don't mess with him. We will fucking destroy you," I spat.

"Satan's not—,"

"Real? Oh yes he is, Lawley. And I'm more powerful than him," I said, chuckling. Kian really chose the wrong time to come outside. He was still looking around, trying to see where I was standing, but the ground was cement and not grass so there was no way for him to know where I was.

I wondered if I should kill Kian. No, probably not right now. I didn't want to be the one to kill one of the ring's leaders.

Instead, I walked over to him. He was still on the ground, propped up on his elbows looking for me. I looked down at his slightly spread legs and kicked him as hard as I could in between them, then made myself visible again and hunched down over him to stare into his eyes that had filled with tears.

"My name is Saturn. We've never met, you've just heard about me. You know that you should never mess with me or anyone I care about. Tonight went horribly wrong and you were kicked from the ring. You will move back to Boston with JC as soon as you can and you will never come back to Los Angeles," I said, light radiating from my eyes. "You're going to stay right where you are at this very second and not get up until the sun is shining in the morning. You never met Colby, you've never heard of The Octet."

"Boston," was all he said before his head dropped backward and he groaned in pain. My job was done.

I quickly spun on my heel and sprinted back to the house. I threw open the back door and ran inside, praying to god that it wasn't Colby who had gotten shot. I ran into the dining room to see bodies everywhere.

I'd seen my fair share of dead people before. But looking at all of the bodies of the people I'd known and led for years seriously disturbed me and messed with my head. But right now I had a different concern. Find Colby.

I jumped over Stone, Axel, Trixie, and a few other people to get to the living room from the dining room.

I walked in to see Devyn sitting on the floor, Kat and Tara wrapping their arms around her.

"Colby," I said, my voice coming out broken and high pitched.


I turned my head to see him standing there, a cut on his face but otherwise untouched.

"Oh my god, Jupiter," Colby said. I ran over and jumped onto him, wrapping my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Are you okay?" I said into his neck. I'd started crying from relief. "I-I heard you yelling, and then the gunshot and I thought—,"

"No, baby. I'm okay. I'm alright," he whispered into my ear. "Kat, can you come help Jupiter, please?" Colby gently set me down and held my face. "I love you so much, baby. I'm sorry I couldn't come out and help you sooner."

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine, hard. I kissed him back with a matched force and only pulled back because I felt my leg start to burn.

"Fuck!" I shrieked.

"Sorry, figured I'd do it while you were distracted," Kat said. I looked down at the cut on the back of my leg to see that it'd been fused shut. The skin was raw, pink, and completely burned, but it was no longer bleeding or opened.

"Elbow, too," Colby said. "And, uh, I've got a new distraction this time."

Wait, where was Corey? And the other guys? And JC? My arm started to burn.

"I wasn't the one who got shot. But... Corey was," Colby said. I stumbled backward when he said that.

"W-What? Corey... he's fine though, right?" I asked. I could no longer feel pain from my burning skin. "He's okay. He can't die," I said. My world started to spin. I was in charge of these people. I'm the reason they came into this house, I'm the reason they were put in danger in the first place.

"Trixie shot him when he came back inside carrying Axel looking just like her. I don't know where she got the gun," Colby said.

"He's fine though, right? He's not dead?" I asked again. Colby hadn't answered my question the first time, though. Corey wasn't fine.

"He, uh...," Colby trailed off.

"He might as well be! He's in a fucking coma. He's gone, my baby's gone, I don't... I can't...," Dev said from behind us, yelling and crying. Tara hugged her tighter and Kat dropped back onto the floor to hug her, too.

My chest hurt when Dev looked up at me. Her eyes were bright red and puffy, her nose dripping and saliva running from the corners of her mouth from how hard she was crying and trying to breathe.

He's gone. He's gone. I have nothing. I have no one. He's gone, he's fucking gone. He left me all alone, he's gone.

I tore my gaze away from Dev, unable to tolerate hearing her pain.

"Is he really? Gone, I mean," I asked quietly, turning around to Colby. Colby squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his lips together. I saw a tear roll down his face and he nodded.

"Yeah, baby. He's gone," Colby whispered.

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