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"This is fun to you?" Colby asked.

"Yes, Colby. It's very fun. They're enjoying it, too," I said, pointing at everyone else with my hand that wasn't holding Colby's.

"But we've seen all of this stuff before," he said.

"Yes, so has basically everyone here and the place is still packed," I pointed out.

"I can't believe humans pay the money they have to work for on stuff like this," he said.

"You're telling me that in all the time you've been on Earth, you have never been to a zoo?" I asked.

"No. Not once," he said. "I thought that would be evident by their reactions." He pointed at everyone, including Mike, Kevin, and Brennen, who were excitedly pressing themselves up against the glass to watch the zookeeper feed a tiger.

"You don't think this is even a little cool?" I asked.

"I mean, kind of, I guess. But I wouldn't come here if you hadn't asked me to," he said.

"Because you love me that much or because I'm in charge and you have to listen?" I asked.

"Both," he replied.

"I'm not surprised," I chuckled. I pulled him with me over to the exhibit with everyone else.

I wondered how animals in zoos really felt. Did they miss being in their natural habitat? It seemed like life would be easier in captivity, but not as fun. I looked at everyone, excitedly staring through the glass. A little boy pushed his way through them all and started pounding on the window.

"Kitty!" he yelled.

"Jackson!" A woman yelled at the kid. "He doesn't like that. How would you like it if someone banged on your window?"

The little kid sighed. "I wouldn't like it very much Mommy, but he's a cat and I'm a person." He turned and resumed banging on the glass with his fist until his mom came up and dragged him away.

Thank God. Fucking kids.

"What?" I asked Colby. "You hate kids that much?"

"Kids? No, I don't hate them. They're a little difficult, especially Jackson over here, but I don't mind them. Why?" he replied.

"You...," I trailed off. I looked back at the group. None of them were looking at or paying attention to me... except for the tiger beyond them. "No way. No fucking way," I said quietly.

"What?" Colby asked.

"Oh my god, it said 'beings', didn't it? Not just people. Living beings," I said.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"The tiger. The fucking tiger. My powers work on animals, too?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. What's he thinking?" Colby asked. I looked back at the tiger, but couldn't pick anything up.

"I'm not sure, I can't hear anything," I said.

"Maybe he's just not thinking about much right now," said Colby. "Hey, Jake."

"What's up, brother?" Jake asked, turning away from the glass.

"Make it come over here," Colby said.

"What, the tiger?" asked Jake.

"Yeah, make it come over here so Jupiter can read its mind," Colby said.

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