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I decided I should probably start with control in case I needed to take anyone's powers away. Especially Colby's if he got mad again.

"Control. Lilith grants permission to Lilith to utilize control to its full extent." I barely waited for the flash to finish before I moved on, to just knock them all out.

"Captivation. Lilith grants permission to Lilith to utilize captivation to its full extent. Speed. Lilith grants permission to Lilith to utilize captivation to its full extent. Desire. Lilith grants permission to Lilith to utilize desire to its full extent," I said, one right after the other, no longer waiting for my ears to stop ringing and the light to fade in between each one.

The effects slowly stopped, and I took a deep breath. I was glad that was over with. I decided I should probably go find Colby. If he was still mad, I was the only one who could calm him down.

"Sam," I Summoned.

"Yes?" he asked.

"How far can you Summon from?"

"Anywhere," he replied.

"Thank you," I answered. "I'll be back," I yelled out to everyone. I walked outside and got into my car.

"Colby," I Summoned. He didn't answer. "You better be dead or deaf. I know you can hear me."

"What do you want?" he grumbled.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Would you just leave me alone right now?" he asked. I really wished my captivation and desire powers worked without having to physically see the person.

"No. Where are you?" I asked again.

"I asked you to leave me alone," he replied.

"And I said no. I don't enjoy repeating myself, Wrath. Where the fuck are you?" I asked. This was annoying. I didn't care that he was butthurt about the guys just teasing him. I knew he just felt overprotective of me, but I am quite capable of handling things myself.

"Nowhere," Colby said. That was it.

"So help me God, if you do not tell me right the fuck now, you don't get your powers. Not for a long, long time," I said.

"Fine. You win. As I'm sure you always do. I'll be there in a second," he said.

"Don't need the attitude either, bud," I replied.

"Yeah, yeah," he said. Except his voice sounded different now. More clear. I looked to my right to see him sitting in the passenger side of my car. Right. Short range teleportation. He hadn't even been more than 100 feet away. "Why am I here?" he asked.

"Because I asked you to be, and I am in charge here," I said. If he was going to be difficult, I was going to be hard on him. "Do you do that a lot? Just storm out when things don't go your way?" I knew I was pushing him again, making him angry. I wanted to know his limit. I knew he would take more shit from me than anyone else before he snapped.

"No," he said. I couldn't see his feet to tell if he was lying, but I realized I didn't have to.

"Look at me," I ordered. He rolled his eyes but turned to face me.

"Do you or do you not leave when things aren't going your way?" I asked again.

"I do not," he said. I do. I'd heard that in his voice, but it sounded distant and cloudy. Desire was working. I was reading his mind.

The Seven Deadly Sinnersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें