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"So...do we have powers now? Is that a thing that happened?" I asked.

"Yes. Well, I'm assuming so. We can't use them until you let us," Colby said.

"Let you?" I asked.

"Yeah, you have to give us permission to use them. You can take them away at any time, too. You're the one with the most trusted judgement, so if you think we can't handle or will misuse the power, you can take it away. Either permanently or temporarily. Or just never let us have them in the first place," he explained. I actually really loved that idea. If someone was pissing me off, they just wouldn't get their powers until they apologized. That'd be really fun to do.

"I made a list for you. That's why I was reading when you woke up, to learn about everything. There's a list for each of us with all of our details and powers and everything. I'm going to go let everyone else know you're awake. Here's this," Colby said. He picked up a few sheets of notebook paper and handed them to me, then left the room. I looked down at the papers and moved over to sit down at his desk and read.


Urge: combined color

Ability: N/A, only applies to sins


1. Invisibility; manipulate light and shadows around self to appear invisible at will

2. Speed; ability to move at an increased speed at will, 10x that of a human (yes, Jupiter, like a vampire)

3. Captivation; can hold anyone's attention/focus and not let them look away

4. Desire; can intentionally induce lust toward herself from any individual. Can convince someone through sight of them alone that they can trust her, encouraging them to let down their mental guard; use lust and seduction to read minds

5. Control; can provide or revoke members of The Octet with any of their assigned powers

Oh, god. Next page.


Urge: blue

Ability: short range teleportation (approx. 100ft)


1. Seduction; lure individuals in through lying/falsehood whether verbally or mentally. Convince anyone of anything. Physically alluring.

2. Wrath; can impose feelings of wrath onto other individuals; make anyone feel anything and feel it very intensely


Urge: pink

Ability: Strength


1. Truth; can tell if anyone is lying or not. Can sense/know true desires or intentions behind any action/statement

2. Pride; can manipulate others to feel inferior to her thus encouraging them to listen to anything she says (cannot force anyone to do anything, only makes them want to; they are capable of resisting)


Urge: orange

Ability: control/force vocalization

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