Chapter 34

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Izuku Aizawa POV

"You know, little Izuku here was always one of my favorites to mess around with," Izanami said causing me to shrink back and Shoto to scrunch up his face in disgust. "Aww~ don't be like that I'm just having some fun." He said. 

"Leave him alone!" Shoto yelled angrily. 

Izanami looked at Shoto and laughed, "You can't tell me what to do, you're just a kid and you have no idea what I'm capable of." He replied suddenly getting a little less playful. He grabbed me by my arm and yanked me away from Shoto causing me to wince in pain. 

"Let him go!" Shoto yelled again but Izanami ignored him.

"Now lucky for you, you aren't my type so I have no interest in you, I'll just take Izuku here and be on my way." He said dragging me away, I could still hear Shoto yell for me but I knew there wasn't any saving me. 

"Now now Izuku, I have some interesting information for you that I don't think you know yet wanna hear it?" Izanami said not actually waiting for an answer before continuing. "In one of Shigaraki's many, MANY experiments on you, there was in particular that stood out to me and do you know what that is?" He asked and I shook my head. "Shigaraki so kindly gave you the ability to reproduce as if you were a female, he along with a few others surgically implanted the organs needed for you to have a child." He explained making my eyes widen. "Now I, for one, would love to see if this works wouldn't you?" He asked. 

"N-no please don't do this again," I begged already crying.

"Great so you agree to it, now let's get started shall we?" He said unbuckling his belt.

~Shota Aizawa POV~

"Are we almost there?" I asked knowing anything could happen in the amount of time they've been gone. 

"It's still like an hour away, I'm going as fast as I can." 'Zashi replied. I sighed knowing it couldn't be helped. I hope Izuku isn't too badly damaged. 'Zashi grabbed my hand while he drove and squeezed it reassuringly. "We'll get them don't worry." He said.

"I know that I'm just worried about Izuku's mental health, he was getting better but who knows what this'll do to him," I said. 

"We'll just have to hope for the best, remember he isn't completely alone this time, he has Todoroki."

"Yeah, you're right, hope for the best," I said with a sigh.

~Shoto Todoroki POV~

"Here, you can have your little boyfriend back, don't worry I took very good care of him," Izanami said with a smirk before throwing Izuku at me. I growled at Izanami but he just turned away. I looked down at Izuku, he was out cold and Izanami didn't bother putting any clothes back on Izuku so I took my shirt and put it on him knowing it was big enough to go down to his knees. 

I held Izuku close to me and there was no way I was about to let anything else happen to him, I hope the heroes get here soon. I can't believe I let Izuku get hurt again, he doesn't deserve any of this. I instantly put my guard up when I heard a noise from outside and instinctively tightened my hold on Izuku.

After a few minutes, the noise got louder until finally the door to where we were. "IZUKU!" I looked up and saw Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa. They rushed over and almost froze when they saw the state Izuku was in. 

"Come on, we need to get him out of here let me have him." Mr. Aizawa said holding out his arms but I just shook my head.

"I'll carry him let's go," I said leaving pretty much no room for argument. He looked like he was about to say something but then changed his mind and we left, as we passed I saw several heroes holding villains in cuffs, serves them right, Izuku's father was caught again too, they better not let him escape again. They caught Izanami but he didn't look bothered by it at all he just smirked at me again which worried me, just what else did he do to Izuku.

I sat in the back seat with Izuku while Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa were upfront, Present Mic started speeding back towards the school, probably to get Izuku to Recovery Girl. "Todoroki are you wounded?" Mr. Aizawa asked. 

"No, just a few scratches, Izuku took the bulk of it, I was just forced to watch," I replied simply the images of Izuku getting whipped and screaming replaying in my mind. I looked down at Izuku who was laying on my lap and I ran my fingers through his hair. Is this what he went through for years? Is this what wakes him up? And I thought my old man was a scumbag. Well, he still is, Izuku's father is just a bigger scumbag.

About an hour later we arrived back at the school, Izuku was starting to wake up a bit but hadn't said anything he just clung to me, not that I blamed him but he wouldn't even let Present Mic or Mr. Aizawa touch him which was kind of unusual but I didn't say anything. Mr. Aizawa seemed shocked by it too and almost upset but I'm sure he understood. 

Once I laid Izuku down Recovery Girl tried to bandage him but he wouldn't let her anywhere close. "Izuku you have to let her help," I said but he just shook his head. I thought for a moment trying to think of how to convince him. "How about we go shower and you can think about it," I suggested.

"A-alright." He stuttered so quietly I could barely hear him. 

"We'll be back," I said picking Izuku up again. The others nodded in understanding and let us go. Once we got to the shower I took my shirt off Izuku and we got in the shower. "Let it out Izu," I said and he broke down crying. He wrapped his arms around me to help keep himself standing and I washed his hair along with my own and just let him cry for a while. 

Once we got out of the shower Izuku wrapped a towel around his waist and I sat him up on the counter to blow dry his hair. He had since stopped crying and seemed a bit more refreshed now but I knew it would be a while till he recovered from this, even I was having trouble with it. "Izuku, I know this is difficult but I want you to remember none of this is your fault, now are you ready to go back and let Recovery Girl help you?" I asked once we got dressed again.

"Y-yeah I'm r-ready." He replied.


Word Count: 1159 

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