Valentines Day Part 8

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It was the following day, and Nishikata was nervously making his way to the spot where he and Takagi usually meet up. 'It's no big deal Nishikata, you're friends, you're just walking together, that's all.' He soon reached the location where he found Takagi already waiting.

"Nishikata?" She said as she noticed him. "Hey, long time no see."

"Yeah." He said as he walked up to her. 'Damn, I can already feel my heart racing, I almost miss being ignorant.'

"You know, I constantly find myself wanting to be back at school for some reason, it's so strange."

Nishikata looked to the side and blushed. "Well you can't tease me when you're at home by yourself."

"That's true, and that reminds me." She reached into her bag and pulled out a book. "Thank you for letting me lend this to Sumire."

"Uh ... no problem." Nishikata said as he took the manga and shoved it into his bag. 'I hope no one ends up seeing this.' "So, should we go?"

"Yeah, let's."

The two of them made their way to school in relative peace, yet something was off. 'Takagi isn't teasing me.' Nishikata thought as they reached the school. 'Yesterday she mentioned how she wanted to but ... she hasn't done anything yet ... did she have another argument?' He looked at her, but felt that his assumption was off. 'No, it's something else ... but what?'

"Huh?" She said as she noticed Nishikata staring at her. "Is there something on my face?"

"Wha- NOPE! Nothing's wrong, just ... I'm fine."

Takagi laughed at his expression and shook her head. "Sorry if I seem distracted, I have a lot on my mind today."

"Huh? I mean I guess being absent for two days would give someone a lot to think about."

"Well, that is a major portion."

"Huh? There's something else?"

"Hmm ... yeah, but it happened during my time out, so I'm not sure if it counts."

The two of them changed their shoes and began making their way to class when Takagi stopped in her tracks. "Nishikata, you go on ahead, I have a few friends that I have to say hi to."

"Um ... okay, I'll see you in class."

"See you in class."

Takagi began making her way down the hall, eventually running into Sumire who had just walked out of the girl restroom. "Sumire!" She greeted.

"Takagi! I take it that you're feeling better?"

"Significantly." She replied with a smile as they began walking to class together.

"So, did I miss anything big while I was out?"

"Hmm, not much I'd say, I mean aside from what happened with Nishikata, Valentine's Day was rather uneventful."

"So there are no new couples then?"


Takagi nodded. "Though, I can't believe that the girl who gave Nishikata that chocolate would write him a letter only ditch him like that."

"Well, he was going to turn her down, so it was probably for the best."

"Yeah, but imagine what that would do to her confidence. Backing out, then to know that her worries were right; she'd never have the courage to go through with anything ever again."

"Um, yeah, I mean ... I guess."

They continued walking in silence as they avoided looking at each other. "But how would she even know that Nishikata wasn't interested in her? I think he only told you and me." Takagi asked as she turned to Sumire.

"Uh, yeah, but she didn't need to actually know, maybe she did chicken out."

"Maybe." She looked back to where she was walking. "But I think, she did know, and that she did show up, but Nishikata simply didn't realize it."

"Oh ... how do you figure?"

"Because Nishikata is the kind of guy you have to know at least a little bit about to have a crush on, so the list of girls who would actually know him well enough to have a crush on him is ... very short."

"Uh ... how short are we talking?"

"Hm." She placed a finger on her chin and looked up. "Well, there is Yukari, she did do that camp committee thing with him, but I don't think it was her."

"Oh, is that all?"

"No." Takagi stated bluntly.

"Well, who else is there?"

Takagi simply turned to Sumire and stared at her.

"Huh? What is it?"

She simply stared.


There was a strange chill in the air, as Sumire let out a sigh of defeat. "I guess I'm busted then." She said with a sad smile.

"Why did you do it?"

"Which part?" She asked.

"Why did you give it to him and why didn't you tell me?"

"Well ... that's a little hard to explain."

"You like him?"

"Well there is that."

"Okay, so why not tell me?"

"Well ... I wasn't expecting you to not be in that day."

"You ... I see." Takagi began. "You wanted me to see it."

"Nishikata's not the only one between the two of you who's afraid of intimacy." Sumire said as she looked to the side. "The only difference is that you're pushing him forward, yet you're not pushing yourself, are you?" She shook her head. "You yourself have told me that every time he's acted remotely romantic, you tease him. If you keep this up then he might never believe that you like him, and you may lose your chance."

Takagi looked down as Sumire turned back to her. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to turn out this way, I just wanted you to know that if you wait too long then someone else might try and make a move ... though I may have gone a bit too far."

"Maybe a little." Takagi replied. "But I'm not angry, just promise me one thing?"

"What's that?"

"Don't try something like that again."

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