Valentines Day Part 6

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Nishikata had just returned home and was now in his room, still trying to piece together who could have given him the chocolate. "Now let's see, there are no clues in my locker, no one I asked seems to have any idea, and ... that's just about it." He looked to the ceiling with an annoyed look. "So I have nothing."

Just then, his phone sounded, signaling that he received a text. "Huh?" He pulled up the text and looked at it.

Takagi: Thanks for coming today, it means a lot.

Nishikata felt himself blush.

Nishikata: Well, I promised that I'd come visit you if you were out sick, right?

Takagi: Still, it really made my day.

Nishikata's heart sped up a little as he looked at his phone.

Nishikata: It was no problem, I'm glad I was able to make your day.

Takagi: I thought all you wanted to do was tease me.

Nishikata blushed and he frantically began typing.

Nishikata: Well, we're friends as well, so I want to make sure that you're okay.

Takagi: Thank you. So, tell me more about this secret admirer.

Nishikata looked at the box that was sitting on his desk.

Nishikata: Well, What's there to tell? I don't have the faintest idea who it could have been, other than it's probably not someone from our class.

Takagi: So you have nothing?

Nishikata: I have nothing.

Takagi: What type of chocolate is it?

Nishikata awkwardly looked at the box before turning it slightly to realize that he hadn't broken the tape seal yet. "Well, that's embarrassing."

He peeled it off and opened the flap, as a small piece of paper fell out. "Of course." As he reached to pick it up, his phone sounded again.

Takagi: You haven't opened it yet, have you?

"Of course she knows."

Nishikata: Well I've opened it now.

Takagi: Well? What was in it?

Nishikata picked up the letter and began reading it.


Would you like to meet up after school tomorrow? I'll be waiting at the front of the auditorium if you're interested.

Nishikata couldn't believe what he was reading and was quick to send a reply to Takagi.

Nishikata: There's not much else in here other than just homemade chocolate.

Takagi: Oh, well, I could ask around when I get back to school for you.

Nishikata felt his insides begin to churn. "I ... I told Takagawa that it would be wrong to lie to her if I had a crush on her ... and there would be no reason to lie to her if I don't have a crush on her ... I have to do the right thing." He went back to his phone and began typing.

Nishikata: Actually, there's a note in here. She wants to meet with me tomorrow after school.

Nishikata stared at his phone until as Takagi took her time replying.

Takagi: Are you going?

Nishikata: Yeah, if I'm going to turn her down, I at least want to face her.

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