Valentines Day Part 5

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Nishikata and Takagawa had arrived at Takagi's house and were standing in front of the door, unsure what to do. "So ... you want to knock?" Takagawa asked.

"I've never been inside, or met her parents."

"Neither have I."

Nishikata took a deep breath, reached out, and knocked a few times. 'This is no big deal Nishikata, you're just dropping off her homework, maybe saying hi and asking her how she's doing if she's feeling well enough for visitors.'

Before long, the door slowly opened, and a woman that looked like a grown up version of Takagi was at the door. "Hi." Nishikata began. "We're Takagi's friends, we came to drop off her homework."

"Oh, yes, she told me you'd be coming." She took a moment, then pointed at him. "Nishikata, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And," She turned to Takagawa. "I'm sorry, my daughter didn't tell me anyone else was coming."

"Takagawa." She replied. "I just tagged along to see how she was doing."

"Ah, she's told me a lot about both of you." She stepped to the side and motioned for them to come in. "Well come in, I'll ask her if she's up for visitors."

"Thanks mam." Nishikata replied before he and Takagawa walked in.

Nishikata and Takagawa began taking off their shoes as the woman began walking upstairs. "I'll only be a minute, you're free to sit down in the kitchen if you wish."

"Thanks ma'am." Nishikata said again.

They both made their way to the kitchen but remained standing as they placed their bags on the table and Nishikata untied the bag with Takagi's homework. "Hey, Nishikata?" Takagawa began. "Do you by chance ... know Takagi's first name?"

"Nope." Nishikata replied.

"Yeah, me neither."

As they waited, Nishikata began thinking. 'I have no idea if Takagawa actually likes me or not ... I mean, even if she does, I really don't feel the same. Though, Takagi did mention that there was someone in our class that has a crush on me.' He sighed and turned to her. "Hey, may I ask you a question?"

"What's up?"

"Takagi told me that there was someone in our class that had a crush on me ... do you know who that is?"

She stared at him as if taken aback. "I ... know who she is ... but I'm not going to tell you."

"I figured that part, I just wanted to know if you knew."


"Do you think I should ask her out?"

"Um, wouldn't that be obvious?"

"I don't know, is it?"

Takagawa was about to answer, but after a moment, began thinking. "Wow, that's ... not as easy to answer as I thought it would be." She continued thinking, and ultimately, just shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you."

Nishikata sighed. "Thanks anyway." 'Based on her reaction, it's probably not her, that's actually a relief. I still wonder who it could be.' He paused as another question came to mind. "By the way, what did you need to return to her?"

"Oh." She opened her bag and pulled out a small book. "I almost forgot, I need to return this to her."

Nishikata's heart almost stopped at the sight of the manga in front of him. "One hundred percent unrequited love, volume five."

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