Valentines Day Part 2

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Nishikata continued to stand there for a moment, staring at the box sitting in his locker. "Okay ..." He looked around to make sure no one was looking before quickly putting it into his bag. 'This is probably some joke ... but ... then again'- He finished placing it into his bag and changed his shoes before making his way to class.

As he walked, he took a moment to detour into a side hallway where he opened his bag and glanced inside. 'Now let's see here.' There were thankfully labels on the box, but it said little more than 'happy valentines day Nishikata.' 'Well this is definitely chocolate, just like last year.' He paused as he began to look at it closer. 'But ... there were no labels on the one from last year, but this is probably Takagi playing a trick on me.'

He closed his bag and continued making his way to class. 'I bet Takagi's waiting there for me, waiting to act out whatever stage two of her plan is, well not today, I'm ready for you Takagi.' Though as he got there, he found that there was no sign of the girl, even though there were plenty of other students there. 'Maybe she stepped out. Doesn't matter, though, I'm not going to let her get the best of me this time.' He thought as he walked over to his desk.

'I'm just going to have to play a trick back at her. Now, if I knew who her crush was ... no, I'm not stooping that low, I'll need to find another way.' He reached into his desk, and began pulling out his things for first period. 'She'll try and make a move as soon as she returns, and then, it'll at least be over.'

As Nishikata waited, he noticed Mina rush to the front of the class, holding a bag of some kind. "Hey everyone!" She exclaimed. "I've got chocolate for everyone again so come up and take some!"

'Didn't she learn her lesson from last time?' Nishikata thought as all the girls walked up to receive Mina's homemade chocolate. 'Any minute now, the teachers going to take them away.'

"Mina." Sanae said from the door. "Teachers coming."

Mina quickly shoved the bag into her school bag and rushed back to her seat before the teacher could arrive. 'I guess she's learned, or her friends have. Either way ... wait, the teachers coming?' He looked at the clock and saw that class was just moments from starting. 'But ... where's Takagi?'

As he sat there, something hit him. 'Wait a second.' He opened his bag again and looked at the label inside. 'This ... isn't Takagi's handwriting.' The handwriting looked a little messy, not something Takagi was known for. 'This ... can't be her.'

"All right class, just a reminder." Mr. Tanabe began as he entered the room. "If I, or any teacher, sees any chocolate today, it gets confiscated, I've already had to confiscate from three underclassmen already so you have been warned."

'Three already?' Nishikata thought to himself. 'I may need to be careful, I don't want this confiscated.'

Nishikata pulled out his pencil and looked at the seat to his right once more. 'Is she still not here?'

"All right class, let's get started."

The class continued on as Nishikata occasionally glanced to the seat next to him, wondering what had happened to Takagi. 'I don't think I can remember a time when she ever missed class. If she is sick, then she couldn't have given me the box of chocolate ... so that would mean ... It ... might actually be the same girl as last year.' He shook his head. 'No, it doesn't feel like it's the same person.' He sighed as he dropped his head. 'Which means I'm probably going to have to let someone down.' He paused. 'Wait, why does it matter? I don't know who she is and I don't know who this new girl is, what's the difference?'

As soon as class ended, Nishikata pulled out his phone and began sending a text to Takagi. "I just hope she's okay." He said as he typed.

Nishikata: Hey, Takagi, are you okay? You weren't in class today.

He put his phone away and began getting ready for his next class. Before he could finish, however, he felt his phone vibrate signaling that he had received a text. "That was fast." He pulled out his phone and looked to see it was Takagi.

Takagi: Yeah, I came down with a bad fever last night and my mom made me call out today.

Nishikata: Are you going to be alright?

Takagi: Honestly? I don't know, I can barely make it out of my bed to get to the bathroom. I'm on some pretty heavy meds though, so I should feel a little better soon.

'I can't ask her about the chocolate, she ... wait, why can't I ask her?' He continued trying to think of a reason, but he couldn't come up with anything other than it just felt wrong. 'Well ... I could dance around the subject.'

Nishikata: That sucks, and on Valentines day too.

Takagi: Yeah, and I was all set to give my crush some chocolate, but now I can't.

Nishikata felt a pit form in his stomach. 'She ... wanted to ... give her crush some chocolate?'

Nishikata: Well, you can always do it tomorrow and say that you were out yesterday.

Takagi: Then he'll know it was me.

Nishikata: So you're not going to give it directly to him?

Takagi: No, I want it to be a secret.

Nishikata: I see. On another note, do you want me to bring you your homework after school today?

Takagi didn't respond right away and Nishikata began to gather his things again. "She wanted to give her crush chocolate." He shook his head as he continued getting ready for his next class. "Not that I'm ... upset or anything ... am I?"

It was at that moment that Takagi finally replied.

Takagi: You miss me that much?

Nishikata blushed as he read the text.

Nishikata: What? No! I just promised that I would visit you if you were sick, remember? I mean, if you want me to, of course.

Takagi: I know, and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped by if it's not too much trouble.

Nishikata felt a weight lift from his chest.

Nishikata: Great, I'll bring your homework with me.

Takagi: Okay, I'll see you then.

Nishikata put his phone away as a weight formed in his chest. 'She's sick, she never gets sick. Is she going to be okay? Is there something else I should bring?' He shook his head. 'I'll ask when I'm about to leave, first period just ended, so there's still a long way to go.'

He began making his way out of the classroom, but soon, a strange feeling began to overtake him. 'Why do I ... feel so anxious?' His mind began working out pieces of what he was feeling. 'Takagi ... said she wanted it to be a secret ... does that mean last year-' He struggled as he tried to process the rest. 'Did she ... give me ... chocolate? No, I'm not her crush ...' He began to blush. 'Am I?' His eyes went wide as he stopped walking. 'Wait, she couldn't have given me the box this year, and I feel like I need to turn down whoever gave me chocolate this year. But last year ... she could have ... and I want to know who that girl is ... do I ... like Takagi?' He began walking again and tilted his head to the side to shake it, but froze. 'Every time she talks about her crush, or when she hints about being close to another boy, I get anxious. No, I want to get back at her, I can't be in love with her.' He began to imagine her smile and felt his heart jump. 'I ... don't think I am.'

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