Valentines Day Part 1

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It was a seemingly calm day, yet Nishikata was not going to be fooled by some good weather. No, he knew that today of all days was a day to be on his guard more than ever. "Valentines Day." He said as he walked to school. "Again."

He let out a sigh and looked at the ground as he walked. "Last year, Takagi gave me that obligatory chocolate and I also got that one box from a secret admirer, so I wonder what's going to happen this year."

He continued his walk with his guard up, knowing that at any moment, Takagi might jump out from nowhere and try to scare him. "Not that she would be able to." He said sounding not too confident. "I mean, I don't scare that easy." He continued to look around, but nothing came. 'Where is she? I know she sometimes likes to play on my expectations, but she should have ambushed me by now.' He placed his hand on his chin and began thinking. 'Then again, maybe she knows that I know that, and is planning something based around it.' He glanced around again. 'But then again, maybe she's just waiting for me to drop my guard.'

He continued on his way to school, expecting something to happen, yet nothing coming. "Okay, this is not right." He said as he reached the gates. "Let's see." He looked over to the bike rack and saw that it was noticeably lacking his friend's bike. "Her bikes not here, and it's not like her to sleep in. Maybe this is part of her plan." He continued onwards, to the inside of the school, where he found his friends Takao and Kimura standing against the wall near the entrance.

"Hey guys." He greeted. "What's up? You seem down."

"Why do you think?" Takao asked.

"It's Valentines Day, and we're probably not going to get anything." Kimura finished.

"Oh, well, I'm probably in the same boat."

"DON'T TRY TO COMFORT US!" Takao snapped. "You're probably going to get some great chocolate from Takagi!"

"TAKAGI AND I AREN'T LIKE THAT!" Nishikata retorted.

"But you're still probably going to get chocolate from her."

"No." Nishikata said as he turned away blushing. "I ... I haven't even seen her yet today."

"Wait, you haven't?" Kimura asked sounding a little concerned.

"Yeah, sometimes she walks to school with me, but I didn't bump into her today. What's more, her bikes not here."

Takao smiled as he adjusted his glasses. "Maybe she's absent, and if that's the case," He pointed towards Nishikata. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN THE SAME BOAT AS US!"

"I ..." He paused as he remembered the obligatory chocolate he got from her last year. "Actually, she did give me some obligatory chocolate because we're friends last year, so I guess that counts."

"Yeah, yeah, keep bragging." Takao retorted.

"I'm not bragging, I'm simply saying that I have a friend who's a girl, thus she gave me some small chocolate." He crossed his arms and sighed. "It was like one small piece anyway. And I doubt she was the secret admirer that-" He covered his mouth as his mind finally caught up, but it was already too late.

"Secret what?" Takao asked.

"It's no big deal! And whoever it was, she didn't do anything other than giving me something for Valentines Day, so I doubt she still likes me." He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked away. "Still wish I knew who she was, I would have liked to have at least returned the favor on white day."

"I guess that's one upside to not having someone give you chocolate." Kimura began. "You don't have to get them something for white day."

"I think it would have been a small price to pay." Takao added.

"Well in any event, I'll see you two in class." Nishikata waved goodbye and made his way to his shoe locker. "Man, I wish I knew who she was." He felt his heart rate pick up and a strange feeling come over him. "What is this?" He asked as he placed a hand on his chest. 'I'm thinking about a girl who may very well have romantic feelings for me, does that mean ... this is ... affection?' He sighed as he looked up. 'Takagi knows who she was, she said so herself, and now I really want to know who she is, that way I can see if I really like her or not.' He sighed as he reached his locker. 'But it's not like she's going to leave me chocolates again.'

Nishikata opened his locker and stared blankly at a small box that was inside. "Hmm?"

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