Chapter 31

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Izuku Aizawa POV 

The rest of the week pretty smoothly for the most part, well as smoothly as a week can go when you're abusive and also villainous father escaped from prison and is looking only for you. Ok so maybe not so smoothly, I always felt on edge and was constantly looking around making sure that he wasn't there. Todoroki was very patient with me and stayed near me almost all the time even went I went training with Mirio which I was grateful for. 

I broke down almost every night and he was always there to comfort me, he's such a good friend. Now that I think about it, it feels weird calling Todoroki a friend. Class 1-A, those guys are friends, Todoroki feels like more than that. Best friend maybe? No, that's not right either. We were going out together tomorrow but I think Todoroki meant just like a normal hang out. Hmm.

"Something on your mind Izuku? You're muttering again but I can't understand you." Todoroki said snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"How do you see me Todoroki?" I asked which seemed to startle him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I mean I thought you were my friend but now it feels like you're more than that," I said blushing a little.

"Best friend?" He suggested.

"No no, it's more than that too."

"Hmm, Izuku do you like me?" He asked also blushing some now.

"Well of course I do, I wouldn't want you around me so much if I didn't."

Todoroki laughed a bit. "No I mean do you like like me, like how Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic are," he explained. I squealed a little and threw the blanket over my head before pulling back down a little, I'm sure my entire face was red by now.

"I-i think that might be it," I answered. "Do you think that's weird?" I asked suddenly feeling really shy.

"No, I don't think it's weird at all, I like you too Izuku."

"Really?!" I asked surprised, I didn't think anyone would ever see me that way. Todoroki just nodded and I found myself squealing again and this time and jumped across the bed and gave Todoroki a hug.

~A bit later~

"Really Izuku?! That's awesome! I knew there was something good about that Todoroki boy, you're with him all the time."  Mirio said from the other side of the phone. I couldn't help myself and so once Todoroki fell asleep I got excited and called Mirio to tell him we were dating.

"Thanks, Mirio, we are going on a date tomorrow in a city kinda farther away to avoid Hisashi since I'm still scared he's gonna find me," 

"Yeah I know you are but just try to forget about it and try to have a good time alright? Remember there are heroes everywhere. I'm gonna go to sleep now you should do the same." Mirio suggested.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later, bye," I said hanging up and setting my phone down on the nightstand. I looked over at Todoroki who was still sound asleep and snuggled up to him. I wonder what Dad and Jazzy will think about this. I thought before finally drifting off to sleep myself.

~next morning~

"Izu, time to get up," Todoroki said gently shaking me. I mumbled something that he couldn't understand and buried my head in his chest again. 

"Hmm, I might have to take some more extreme measures now, how does tickling sound?" he asked causing my eyes to widen and I quickly scrambled out of bed. 

"I'm up, I'm up, let's go make breakfast," I said quickly running downstairs with Todoroki not far behind.

"Izuku please don't run down the stairs it's dangerous," Iida said in a robotic tone of voice. 

"Sorry Iida he's running from me," Todoroki said not so apologetically before continuing to also run down the stairs after me. Inevitably Todoroki caught me and started tickling me making me bust out in laughter. The classmates that were around watched in amusement while Iida did the robot thing he did with his arms telling us to settle down.

After Todoroki finally finished his attack we got up to go make breakfast my sides still hurting. Todoroki and I decided to make something simple so we could get ready to go out. I just scrambled a whole bunch of eggs and called it good, unsurprisingly the class was completely fine with it. I think they're just grateful for the fact that I cook for them. 

Since Todoroki wanted to go out for lunch I made sure not to eat breakfast, there was a big mall we wanted to go to a few towns away so we planned to be gone all day, Todoroki said not to question where he got all his money, he did have a ton of it though. I broke open my savings which also had quite a bit in it so we were all set. We were excited so we got ready to go pretty fast.

"Izuku are you sure you'll be ok with Hisashi still out there?" Jazzy asked. Dad and Jazzy had been worrying about this since we brought it up and it took forever to convince them to let me go but we managed eventually.

"Don't worry we'll be a few towns over what could go wrong?" I replied and then Todoroki and I were off to start our date.


Word Count: 911

I feel like we took some pretty big steps in this chapter concerning Todoroki and Izuku's relationship I'm proud of it. Also as some of you may already know I discontinued my story Ice Heart, I have two drafts for new stories already started and I'm let you all decide. I have descriptions if you need them.

Option one: Attack on Titan (Ereri)

Option two: Yuri on Ice (Victuuri)

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