25 - King... Or Not

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"First back in the stadium is that man... MIDORIYA IZUKU!!"

It takes a moment for the thundering ovation to drown out the hammering of his heart. And when it does, the boy's strong facade crumbles. Tears welling in the emerald eyes as they scan the stadium for the one man whose acknowledgement means more than the world's.


The preliminaries ended with the top 42 proceeding to the next round.

Several steps behind Izuku was Shouto, himself hounded by Katsuki. Renka came in 5th after Shiozaki Ibara from Class 1-B, delayed by tripping on what looked like thorned vines. Hot on their heels were Tenya, Tokoyami Fumikage, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou and Tetsu x4. Hero Course freshmen took most of the 42 spots, with the exceptions including 1-C's Hitoshi in the 28th and Support Department's Hatsume Mei bringing up the rear.

Fifth was pretty good, all things considered... there's a twinge of disappointment for not scoring better, but the feeling is quickly snuffed out. Single digits is achievement enough for the less competitive sort.

The same can't be said for a certain fair-haired teen.

Katsuki was uncomfortable. He can't get rid of this hateful feeling—like ants constantly crawling under his skin—and it's pissing him off. A feeling that used to be unknown to him had become more familiar ever since that sewage bastard, and only intensified after entering U.A.

The tip of his anger points at everyone else, and mainly that boy, but it's a little known fact that some spears are double-pointed.


"Little lamb, is your nose alright?" A girl with green vines for hair asks airily.

"Mm!" Renka's throat bellows like an elephant's trumpet as she applies pressure on her nose. Skin flushing at the ungainly sound, her fingers snap open and free the blocked nasal airways.

"It was a great move!"

"... Man proposes, heaven disposes."

Despite Ibara's revulsion towards 1-A—more so after Katsuki's arrogant display—she didn't think a vine stretched out merely to impede movement would cause the lamb to fall flat on the face and gift her a bloody nose. She's somewhat glad she decided to check up on the bluenette... who's considerably less haughty than predicted.

As much as Renka would like to chat about their plant-related Quirks, the competition is still ongoing (and so is her nosebleed). After a quick exchange of introductions, Ibara leaves Renka with "Mercy be upon you. We shall meet again when judgment is nigh," whatever that means, and joins the 1-B students.

With the teens congregated messily before her, the 18+ Only Hero: Midnight brandishes her flogger whip, the strips of leather hitting each other in a loud slap, "Now then, onto today's heart-racing second event!!"


A sweeping glance over the sea of blue gym uniforms, her competitors for the next stage, brings Renka's eyes to the scowl on Katsuki's face. The girl discreetly scoots over and jabs him with an elbow. The nudge hits his hip bone instead due to the height difference.

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