Chapter 1 - Another day

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

It was Morning, You were cooking some bacon. A voice said " Y/N! Could you cut the onions please?." You turn your head to Ritsuka frying some toasts, you smiled " Sure Ritsuka!." You and Ritsuka were sisters. Both of you got along very well. You grabbed the knife and started cutting the onions. Ritsuka placed the eggs over the bacon. She grabbed a tomato and ate it. You heard someone yawning. You and Ritsuka turn around to see mom. Ritsuka said " Good morning mother." Mom smiled " Good morning Ritsuka, Morning Y/N. Smells good." You replied " Good Morning Mom." Ritsuka asks " Did you sleep well or did you work all night?." Mom walks up to her " Worked all night. I got a big deadline coming up." You said, " Don't push yourself too hard." You and Ritsuka went to the backyard, the garden looked beautiful as ever. You smiled " It's beautiful." Ritsuka turns to you " Thank you Y/N." She stretches her arms " The weathers perfect today too." You and Ritsuka decided to pick some vegetables. You both picked some lettuce, you both went inside and made a bowl of salad. 

You and Ritsuka sat at the table with mom. Everyone prayed " Thank you for the food." You started eating, Ritsuka said while she picked up her fork " You know if you want we could make us dinner tonight." You added " We don't work. I could try out that pasta recipe I've been working on." Mom smiled " That would be great. I could finish my work today." You asked, " Aren't you translating for the magazine this time?." Mom nodded " Yep! It's a British fantasy." You and Ritsuka said " Cool!." The phone rings, You grabbed the phone " Good morning." You turn your head to Ritsuka as you hold the phone " Oh wait! It's more like a good evening for you. How's London?." Mom said, " That must be Lindo." You heard Lindo said " It's fine. How are you and Ritsuka?." You answered, " We're doing great." You walk over to mom " Hold on, I'll let you talk to mom." You give the phone to mom, you said " Come on Ritsuka. We got to school." Ritsuka gets up from the table and said " Got it, sis." You and Ritsuka walk towards the door. You heard mom said, " Wait girls!." You and Ritsuka turn around to see mom. 

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