Part thirty

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(Wanda's POV)

I was watching tv in my room when Vis phased through the wall.

"Hello Wanda." He said startling me.

"Vis. You can't just come through the wall. You have to knock. Or do something to let me know that you're there." I told him off.

"My apologies, Wanda. I shall use the time." He said pointing.

"Is something wrong Vis?" I asked with a sigh.

"No. I just thought that I should let you know that, I have an idea of who took Chloe." He told me.

"Really? Who?" I asked curiously.

Vision handed me a tablet and told me to press play, so I did.

I watched as a video, most likely a security tape from the previous night, sped forward a few seconds and then slowed down. I watched as the video showed a figure, most likely a man, in black sneak over to a window and hold out there hand. Then the window popped open.

That's weird. The figure didn't even touch it.

I watched some more as the man snuck through the window and then the video sped up for a few more seconds and then returned to normal. The man came back out of the window, but this time he was carrying someone.

It looked like Chloe. It was Chloe!

The man then left the cameras view and the video stopped.

"Vis, this...this is great. But how does this help us figure out who took Chloe?" I asked him confused.

"After reviewing the footage of last night, I decided to take a look at where the camera was facing. The man ether did not see the camera, or he did not care about it. Which means that he was being careless. Also, if you watch carefully, you can see that when he enters the widow something falls on the ground." Vision stated proudly.

Or as proudly as he can.

"Really? When?" Vision shows me the footage again this time in slow motion pointing out when the object falls.

"Vis, that's amazing! Did you find what he dropped?" I asked curious as to what he found.

Vision pulled out a chain with a pendant on it. I took it in my hand and looked it over.

On the front, or what I thought to be the front, was a engraving of multiple letters.

C, Z, L, A, and C

I wondered what they stand for.

"What about it?" I asked looking form the necklace, to Vis, then back to the necklace.

"Turn it around." He said so I did.

When I flipped it over I saw a flower. "What kind of flower is it?"

"It is a iris. Most commonly known as France's national flower. If you look closely, you can also see a name engraved on the back." Vision told me as he pointed out a name at the very bottom.

"Jam...thank you Vision. I-I need to go talk with Steve and Nat. Thank you!" I said running out of my room leaving a very puzzled Vision behind.


"I'm telling you. He took her." I said after I had shown Nat and Steve the video and necklace.

"You're sure?" Steve asked.

"I believe Wanda, Steve. When we got back from Nashville, she kept going on about how she thought that Jamie was dead. What if he thought the same thing? What if he took her so that they could talk?" Natasha piped up.

"Okay. Say you're right. But why take her? Why not just come and talk?" Steve asked still somewhat unconvinced.

"He doesn't know us. He did what he thought was best. He doesn't have any reason to trust us. It would make sense for him to take her. I know that if I was in his position, I would do the same exact thing." I said making a point.

"Okay. Okay. So then if he took Chloe, where would you take someone if you wanted to have no one interrupt you while you talk?" Steve asked and as soon as the words left his mouth, we were all super quiet.

"What are the chances..." I started but stopped myself.

"What are the chances of what?" Both Nat and Steve asked at the same time.

"What are the chances...that they both, are very close?" I said cautiously.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"If this really was Jamie, we don't know what kind of shape he's in. If, and I'm emphasizing on the if, if he's not in great shape, then..."

"Then he wouldn't be able to take her very far." Nat finished my sentence.

"You can be as strong as you want, but eventually, everyone gets tired. So assuming that he is strong enough to carry her through a window, then he has got to be strong enough to carry her a while." I explained.

"But it would be easier to keep her as close as possible. Unless he wanted to run the risk of waking her." Steve added.

"And she won't be happy. No matter how much she cares for him." Nat completed.

"But if that is the case, then why hasn't she tried to contact someone?" She asked looking out the window.

She did have a point.

"How would she contact us?" Steve asked.

"She has telepathy. She can talk inside your head." Nat told us rubbing her hands together.

If Chloe was ok, and she had telepathy, then why didn't she try to contact us?

Wanda's view point!!! Yay!! Short one. I know. Sorry. But I felt like ending on that note.😅😏

Tell me what you think.

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