speical short

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(Hey everyone Izuku is still a girl. Let's get this on.)

Midoriya residence.

It's been 1 week since Izuku has been turned into a girl and no signs have shown him turning back. He's currently sitting on the coach with Toga. "God Dammit why am I still a girl Author?" Izuku asked. Izuku first things first she said a week to a month. 2..... DON'T BREAK THE 4TH FUCKING WALL I DIDN'T GIVE YOU THAT QUIRK. "Oh I forgot... AND I'LL DON'T HAVE THAT QUIRK BUT HAS THAT EVER STOPPED ME?" Izuku yelled. You know I could keep you a girl forever instead of letting you turn back right? "I'm so sorry Author please I don't want to be a girl forever." Izuku begged. Ok fine. Izuku turned into a boy again. "YES!!!" Izuku jumped. "FUCK YOU AUTHOR." Izuku stuck the middle finger at me and grabbed Toga and ran into his room with her. They never learn.... Izuku turns back into a girl and storms out of the room with just his bra and underwear on. "I was bout to give Toga and the readers their surpise dammit." Izuku says. So? You two barely had any development in your relationship and at that haven't even kissed so wait a bit. longer. "We'll talk about this another time I have to get ready for school." Izuku said. Not for a while Izuku. But expect something later. The fourth wall rebuilds it self so Author  can work out what Author is gonna do for next chapter.

(I thought I might do a little short but I was thinking what should I do next. BYE)

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