The Fireworks Festival

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A few days have passed and Nishikata is standing in front of Takagi's house waiting for her. He pulls a piece of his t-shirt from his neck. Seconds felt like minutes to him and he gets even more nervous as time goes by. The door suddenly opens and he is greeted by a cute Takagi in a yukata. 

"Hi, Nishikata." He is left without a set of words as he hasn't seen Takagi in that outfit before. Takagi calls him again and getting her face closer to him. He suddenly gains consciousness and realizes he's too close to her and back away. Takagi asks if he's ready to go. He responded with "yeah". They both head off but he remembers something.

"Takagi-san, isn't Chi-san coming?"
"Oh no, Chi-chan had a stomach ache earlier so she can't come."
"Ehhh, that's too sad. It would've been our first fireworks festival with the three of us."

Meanwhile behind is Chi wearing a trench coat she got from Takagi's mother and binoculars. She hid from obstacle to obstacle as the two of them went farther. Chi hid behind a trash can but accidentally dropped it causing a huge noise loud enough for the two of them to look back. They saw nothing but a dropped trash can and assumed that a cat did it. As they walked even further, Chi hid behind the post lamp and stood still for a while until she heard their footsteps fade. 

A few steps later, they had finally arrived and Nishikata is too focused around finding the games so he could against her once and for all. Takagi however, seems disappointed by him focusing too much on games. Nishikata found a game where he thinks he could win. He prepares his every will and aims at the toys. First shot, missed, second shot, missed, third shot, missed again. Takagi laughed at his flaws then does her turn next. Every shot connected and she won herself a teddy bear. Nishikata is left with jealousy and wants revenge against her in other games. They played every game until there was nothing yet Nishikata won none. They finally rested at a near bench. Takagi still felt sad until she came up with an idea.

"Now you're punishment."
"EEEEHHHH there was a punishment?"
"Yup and the punishment is you have to stop focusing on the game and rather enjoy the game with me."
"O-oh okay. That's less harsh than before."

They traveled around the festival visiting not the competitive but the casual games. From fish-catching to mask-wearing. They both enjoyed every moment of it. Nishikata felt like something was missing. Something that he must do to make the event memorable but he just can't think of what to do. Chi has been watching them for hours whilst hiding in a crowd. She carefully plans the move for them to be together and spots a cliff where it would be a good idea to scare Takagi. She calls them as she ran quickly happily. 

"Hi, guys."
"Chi, what are you doing here?"
"I didn't think I would be able to come over but here I am."
"Well, let's enjoy the day."
"I got an idea, let's go to that dark area for some test of courage."
"Uhhh are you sure? It doesn't seem safe."
"Oh come on, it's fun."

The two felt doubted by her words and tries to excuse themselves but they got dragged by Chi and eventually traveled to the woods. Chi ran away from them by pretending to lead the way until she was nowhere to be seen. The two tried to look back but they lost sight of the festival. Eventually, they followed the tracks. Petrified as Takagi struggles to move from fear while Nishikata moved forward until he looked back and lost her. He was in a disruptive panic, searching left to right, back and forward. He was about to lose hope but something in him pushes him to never give up and keep moving and so he did. He continued searching until he found himself a cliff with a familiar face. It was Takagi waiting for him while she looked at the sky. Footsteps getting closer to Takagi and as she turned, her eyes widened with joy and relief. He reaches to her and hugs her tight. She hugs him back sharing an emotional moment. Nishikata let go of her first and seriously looks at her.

"Takagi-san, there's something I have to tell you."
"W-what is it Nishikata?"
"T-Takagi-san I......I.....The thing is, I lo-" He was interrupted by the sound of bushes rustling. Chi came out of the bushes tripping herself.

 Affected by the pain, Chi grunts as she tries to get out of the bushes. Ashamed by her previous actions.
"I'm so sorry for getting you guys lost." She apologizes deeply.
"It's okay Chi-chan but there comes a punishment." Said Takagi sincerely yet smiling for a punishment.
"Eeeehhh there's a punishment?
"Of course, after all, you did get us lost from nowhere."
"W-what's my punishment?" Chi asked whilst closing her eyes from fear.
"You have to enjoy the festival with us."
"Ehhh that's it?" Chi surprised by Takagi's words. 
"Yup, that's it." 

As she stood up, they head back and Nishikata follows but the light and sound of the fireworks behind noticed him. Every blast looks attractive but that's not what Nishikata thought. He was reminded of 100% Unrequited Love. His face was bright as a tomato while Chi looked back and thought "Crap, why did I interrupt early? It would've been the best confession ever if it wasn't for me. I'm gonna have to do try again next time." Takagi locked her 

"W-w-w-what was that for?" Nishikata asked in shock
"Heheheh I understood what you were trying to say. I have one thing to say to you though." Smirked Takagi
"I lov-" Chi interrupted.
"Guys we gotta go or else the festival will be over soon." The two paused and looked at each other for a second until Takagi snickered and went with her. Nishikata however was petrified the whole time. Takagi-san likes me? Does this mean the feeling is mutual?

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