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"Why?" Nishikata asks all confused. What could be the reason she turned him down? Is there a way to fix this? I just need to hear her out. The moment Takagi opened her lips, Nishikata is ready to her reason. "I don't think we should hang out with each other again." Her words struck him like a bolt of lightning. Petrified by her words, Nishikata struggles to reason with her until Takagi runs away from him. Chi happened to be watching them from a distance and hides as she saw Takagi running away with tears in her eyes. She hid behind a tree and stood quiet until the the sound of a cry fades away. She peeks her head from the tree and looks at Nishikata on his knees and tears splashing the ground. She immediately run towards him and embraces him with a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Nishikata-kun. This is all my fault"
"W-what did you do wrong?" Nishikata asks struggling to hold his tears.
"I should've said no about your help." 
"What makes you think tha-" Nishikata realizes what why Takagi rejected him. "All this time she was jealous because we were hanging out." Chi moves her head away from Nishikata and stares at him seriously. "You need to fix this and don't worry, I'll help you with that." Nishikata calmed down and stood up all determined. "I'll do it."

As they head home, Chi thought to herself "What happens when they don't end up together? Will I disappear? But I never did any time travel or anything. I just got to school and found mom and dad. This is too weird. I'll find the answers soon but first gotta get them together." A moment of silence came until Chi arrived at Takagi's house. They waved their goodbyes at each other and looked at their direction. Her spine starts to chill as she knows Takagi is there until she notices that her window is open. She opens the door and asks Takagi's mom on where's Takagi. She responded with "Her bedroom" but her window is open. Shocked as she was, they immediately went out looking for her.

They split up to find her faster but no luck. As Chi felt on giving up, she saw a glimpse of Takagi sitting at the same spot they found Chi. Just as Chi was about to approach her, a similar face approached her instead. It was Nishikata looking all sweaty and tired. "I guess grandma must've texted him about it too." Chi hid behind the tree even though she was unable to hear their conversation.

"What do you want now Nishikata?"
"Look I just wanna say I'm sorry."
"You don't even know what I'm facing."
"I do. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have asked Chi for help."
"What help?"
"The thing is... I asked Chi on how to ask you to go to the fireworks festival with me." Takagi's eyes lighten as she can't believe what Nishikata said just now. She wiped her tears and forgave him. As they felt relief, Nishikata sat next to her all serious. "Takagi-san , will you go to the fireworks festival with me?" Takagi in shock, finally accepts him. Nishikata jumps for joy until Takagi asks him "Why are you so excited for me to come with you?" Nishikata stood frozen, scared of what Takagi might say. "Do you maybe li-" She was interrupted by his screams.

"Agghh I just remembered, I have dinner tonight with my mom so see you later."
"Ehh, you're just gonna leave me here?"
"Crap!" He thought to himself.

Chi came in acting like she just arrived and what happened. Nishikata felt extreme relief when he saw Chi. He immediately ran away from them and waved goodbye. "What was that about?" Chi asks. "He's just being his weird self." Takagi replied. They both chuckled and headed home. When they headed home. Takagi's mother just arrived in time looking worried for her. Takagi's eyes filled with tears and ran to hug her. The two shared a sad moment together until they calmed down and she warned her not to run away again. The three of them went inside for dinner. 

After their dinner, they set their bed, turned off the light and laid but before Takagi closed her eyes, she was interrupted by Chi.

"Takagi-chan, what did you talk about with Nishikata-kun?"
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Well, I saw you and Nishikata-kun when I found you."
"Hihihi. He told me about his plan to ask me out."
"Ehh? He did?"
"How much did he tell you?"
"Pretty much everything."
"Oh okay then. Well goodnight." Chi turned to the other side away from Takagi and made a snooze noise. Takagi shrugged it off and slept. Chi turned facing the ceiling with relief. "She whispers to herself "You still haven't heard every plan yet."

Author's note: Sorry for the long wait and making this chapter really short compared to the previous ones. Online assignment's been rough. This won't happen again. Also, wash your hands.

Edited: I've created another story but it's not Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san. Just want to announce that.

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