And Thus It Begins

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Chi woke up the next day preparing herself for school. She waved mom and dad goodbye and headed to school. She arrived at school and as she sat on her seat, she noticed the boy isn't there yet. She felt sad yet confused as to why she was sad in the first place but that's nothing to worry about for now because the class is nearly about to start and every student is already here just waiting for Tanabe-sensei. Someone familiar to Chi arrived at the door. It was Takagi. She rubbed her eyes and look again and sure enough, she's enough. Takagi noticed that Chi is sitting on Nishikata's chair. She approached Chi and asked "Oh, are you a transfer student here?". Chi couldn't reply immediately with the thought of talking to her mother with a young image.

"Wait!! Mom?!" Chi surprisingly asked

"Mom? What are you talking about? I'm Takagi"

Chi couldn't believe it in front of her eyes. She's literally seeing her mother at her age and is showing signs of confusion and fear. Another person appeared at the door and started striking a pose to Takagi.

"Hehe, Takagi-san, you up for a game?" Nishikata said as he came in the classroom feeling confident. Chi has officially lost it. To see her parents at school and young, it was something Chi would never believe in. She has never recalled watching any science fiction shows lately, only 300% Unrequited Love. Meanwhile, Nishikata and Takagi were discussing on the punishment for their game.

"If you win, you don't get to tease me for the whole day" Nishikata suggested

"Sure but if I win, I get to borrow your 100% Unrequited Love." Nishikata left with a wide jaw of shock leaving him with no choice but to agree on her conditions. "After all, it's just one volume, it's not like I get to lose it," Nishikata thought to himself feeling at ease and confident"

"Oh and I can get my friends to read it as well"


"Why not? They do like that series too you know."

"Ugh......Fine, let's play."

Chi listened to their conversation when Nishikata said 100% Unrequited love. "Wait, why 100? That's so long ago." Chi thought to herself until she assumed she somehow went back in time. The only people she could rely on are her real parents so her first idea of escape is to run straight to the door and head home but before she could do that, Tanabe-sensei appeared menacingly and surprisingly younger in her perspective so she sat back down in fear. "There goes my plan" She thought to herself. She has no choice but to wait for lunch break so she could get back home.

"Hey Nishikata, do you know her?"

"Hmmm, from the looks of it. She's the new student here."

"It seemed like she knows us"

"What makes you say that?"

"When she looked at me, she was so shocked as if she just saw someone familiar"

"That's odd, no one from the classroom has noticed her though."

They both agreed to have a conversation with her while Chi looked at the window in sadness and desperation. After a full four hour period. Lunch period has begun. Takagi approached her while Chi was packing her stuff in haste. Before she was able to strike up a conversation, Chi ran straight to the door and quickly went to the school gate. Unfortunately for her. There's a janitor currently guarding the area as he was cleaning.

"Whoa there! School hasn't ended yet" Said the janitor as he grabbed Chi's backpack, restricting her

"It's something important. I need to go right now!" Chi stated as she struggles to get out of the school gate.

Chi meets the pastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora