Another day for Nishikata to lose

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      One day at their school, Takagi is erasing the writings on the blackboard then Nishikata appears at the front door feeling confident with a grin on his face asking to play a game of "Acchi Muite Hoi". It's similar to Rock paper scissors but with a twist, the loser has to avoid looking where the winner points. 

      "Takagi-san, you up for a game of Acchi Muite Hoi?"

      "What about it?"

      "Hmm.... No"


      "Hahahaha I'm kidding. Let's play"

      "*Tsk, just you wait Takagi-san. You don't know that I have a plan this whole time*"

      "Acchi Muite Hoi!" 

      "Heh, I win. Now, Takagi-san, Acchi Muite......did you eat breakfast today?"

      "Hoi!" Nishikata points down

      "Yeah I did" Takagi looks up

      "Oh, was that your plan?" Nishikata let out a shocked expression of failure that made Takagi notice him. Nishikata demanded a rematch and prepares himself for the second round. The two covered their hands at their and said "Acchi Muite Hoi". Nishikata found himself lost against Takagi-san but that's not the real game, he has to avoid where Takagi points at. 

      "Okay Nishikata, do you like 100% Unrequited Love" Nishikata struggles to lie and slowly faces while denying it. Takagi smiled and said "So honest". Nishikata demands for another rematch. "Acchi Muite Hoi", Nishikata lost again but this time Takagi allows Nishikata to instantly win if he wins the match. Nishikata is ready and confident for what Takagi throws at him.

      "Acchi Muite.......Do you like me?

      "*EEHHH??? What kind of question is that. Aggghhhh this is your plan isn't it. Damn you Takagi-san. Hold on, my head suddenly feels tired. It's going down on its own. *Gasp* Could it be that I actually like Takagi-san? Nonononono focus on the game*"

Nishikata used such force to lift his head up then "Hoi". I win. Takagi said with a smiling face of victory. Nishikata failed once again has to face the punishment Takagi will give him.

      "You know, you could've won if you looked down"

      "I could've won If I looked left or right too" Nishikata said as he was blushing and looking away. His punishment for losing is to take over Takagi's cleaning duty.

Author's note: Thank you guys for taking your time to read a newbie's story (me) as it is my first time publishing a story. If you guys have any complaints, feel free to comment so I could improve. Also I don't own any art.

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