Price of admission Part 1

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'Damn, she's teased me at least fifteen times already and school hasn't even started yet.' Nishikata thought to himself with an annoyed look on his face. 'And I haven't been able to think up an idea to get back at her yet.' He finished putting his school shoes on then placed his other shoes into his locker. 'If only there were some way to get her to drop her guard.'

"Hey Nishikata." Takagi greeted causing Nishikata's heart to skip a beat as he jumped back surprised. "You ready to head to class?"

"I uh." He turned away and narrowed his eyes in shame. "I need to use the bathroom first, I'll meet you there.

"Okay then, see you in class." Takagi walked ahead as Nishikata placed a hand on his chest to get his heart rate back to normal; it had been a few weeks since the summer festival, yet the strange feeling Nishikata sometimes got when he was around Takagi, that normally only lasted maybe a few seconds, had only become more frequent and was now lasting for upwards of a few minutes.

'Damn it, why am I still feeling like this?' He thought as he made his way to the boys bathroom. 'It's making it harder and harder to try and get back at her.' He turned on the faucet and splashed some water in his face. "Takagi has no exploitable weaknesses and this damn feeling is making it harder and harder to even talk to her." He splashed some more water in his face and sighed. "Easy there, I just need something big, some big event where I can catch her off guard." He paused and placed a hand on his chest. "Or maybe I should try to figure out what's going on with me first."

"Hey Nishikata." Came a voice from close by. Nishikata looked around and saw his friend Nakai come out of a nearby stall. "Didn't come in here to use the bathroom, I take it?"

"No I'm just ... thinking."

"About Takagi?"

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Nishikata snapped as he turned to Nakai. "For the millionth time, we're not going out and I don't like her that way!"

The look on Nakai's face went from calm to confused. "Huh? But the two of you went to the summer festival together, didn't you?"

"Neither of us had plans so I figured I might as well ask." Nishikata said as he turned back to face the mirror. "Plus, she kinda hinted that she wanted me to ask her so ... I did."

"I heard that you guys looked like an actual couple while there."

A look of annoyance appeared on Nishikata face as he clenched his fist. "We made a game where I would win if I could do romantic stuff couples do on dates."

"Did you win?"

"No, even though Takagi said that I didn't lose, it didn't feel like I one-upped her."

"You sure you two aren't going out?"

"YES I'M SURE!" He snapped again.

"Okay, okay, take it easy." Nakai said as he raised his hands in defense. "Oh, by the way, you wouldn't happen to have any spare tickets for that concert this Friday, would you?"

"Huh? A concert?"

"You haven't heard? There's a concert this Friday and Mano really REALLY wants to go, so I've been trying to get tickets, but I can't seem to find them anywhere."

"Huh ... a concert ... who's playing?"

"Not sure but according to Mano, a band called Earphones are going to be performing there."

"Are you serious?" Nishikata asked as he turned to Nakai. "Takagi loves their songs ... or at least some of the songs one of them made ... she'd love to see that." A smile appeared on his face as an idea popped into his head. 'And it'll be the perfect place to get her to drop her guard.'

He glanced over to Nakai who was giving him a concerned look. "And you're sure the two of you aren't going out?"

"I'm sure!" He paused as a feeling of unease came over him. "You said you couldn't find any tickets?"

"None, they sold out a while ago."

Nishikata hung his head in despair. "Well there goes that plan." 'Not that I even had much of a plan yet.'

"Well, if you find any extras, let me know okay? I think Mano's been dropping hints that she really wants to go."

"Sure thing."

"Thank Nishikata." Nakai walked out of the bathroom leaving Nishikata alone to think.

"Well, it would have been a good idea ... but would embarrassing her during the concert be a step too far?" He froze as an uncomfortable realization hit him. 'Not to mention this feeling I've been getting. I'd be lucky to get out of there with my dignity intact. Not to mention people will start to think we're definitely a couple.'

He sighed and began walking out of the bathroom. "Still, it is a good idea ... maybe if I can find tickets I'll put more thought into it."

He continued on his way to the class where most of the other students had already arrived, including his class mate Takagi.

"Hey Nishikata." She greeted. "You were gone for so long I thought you had fallen in."

"I wasn't gone that long." He said as he took his seat next to her.

"Yeah, I know. So, did you get cooled off?"

Nishikata looked confused as Takagi slowly started laughing. It took him a moment to realize that his uniform was wet around his neck from when he splashed water on his face. "Oh shut up, I'll have you know it's still technically summer and it's hot out."

"You sure it wasn't from thinking about cute girls too much?"


Takagi burst into laughter as Nishikata turned away in embarrassment. 'Just you wait Takagi, I'm going to think up the perfect revenge.'

"Hey, Nishikata." Takagi said causing Nishikata to look over at her. She was resting the side of her head on her desk and looking at him with that adorable smile she usually uses. "Ever since the summer festival, I've been thinking, we should really hang out more outside of school."

A blush began to form on Nishikata face as an all too familiar feeling overcame him.

"It'd be nice to have more chances to tease you while we're not at school." Takagi burst into laughter as Nishikata turned away in embarrassment.

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