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(Also sorry for the timing, it kept deleting for some reason)


I smiled as I put on my costume mom made for me.
Since it was rather cold outside and it was a bit short, I put on a black long sleeved turtleneck and black jeans under the costume. It made me feel a bit less insecure since it covered the few scars I had from previous fights and training, since they showed if I lifted up my arms or stretched them out.
I looked in the mirror. "Wow!"
"Honey? Come out so I can see how you look!" Yelled my mom from the other side of the door.
"Coming!" I said back, quickly slipping on my white Converse shoes.
"Ready." I said determined once I stepped out.
My mom gasped, covering her mouth with one hand. "You looks so cute my little Izuku~!" Tears brimming her eyes.
"Mom!" I said with a bit of embarrassment though no one but us were there.
"What? Can't I compliment my own son?" She crossed both her arms sassily over her chest.
Sighing, I just rolled my eyes and smiled.
I ended up getting a million pictures taken of me in my costume by my mom, before I had to tell her I had to go.
She pouted and asked for a few more, to which I had told her no, causing a bit of a guilty feeling deep inside of me.
I left, taking a taxi over to the place where a Halloween Party was being hosted at by Momo.
The ride there was relaxing. The city lights becoming brighter every few minutes. Apparently, Momo had rented a large room, like the ones at wedding receptions, for the party to be hosted at. Her family didn't want the party to be at their house because it would all then be a mess, so they let her rent a room for the night which was located a bit closer to the city.
I arrived and knocked on the door to the room. I could hear the music from outside the building faintly, but as you entered the building it grew even louder per second.
A smiling Uraraka opened the door up. "DEKU!" She smiled widely before giving me a big hug. "Happy Halloween!"
"Thanks! You too!" I smiled, scratching the back of my neck through my hood.
"Come in!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. The music blasting through my ears was so loud, I could barely make out her invitation to come inside.
'This is bound to be fun-' I said in my head.
"TURN THE VOLUME DOWN A BIT!" I heard Momo yell through a megaphone at the person in a Scream mask who was DJ-ing. He nodded and turned it down. "Thank you!" She said again through the device.
I shook my head from side-to-side with a smile.
"Midoriya, hey." Said the blue haired boy.
"Ah! Happy Halloween Iida!" I waved.
"I like your blanket costume." He said waving his hand robotically.
"I-It's not a blanket..." A bead of sweat ran down my face.
"O-Oh... my apologies then."
"It's fine. Forget about it."
He nodded and left somewhere.
"You can clearly tell what I am though..." I muttered, feeling a bit sad.
Feeling a bit thirsty, I decided to walk over to the large table full of sweets and drinks in large plastic cauldrons that were labeled with what they each were.
I took a plastic red cup and filled it up with some Coca Cola. I stayed with my back against the crowd as I drank the soda out of my cup when I suddenly feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders.
"Boo." They said in my ears casually.
My entire body shivered from the contact and I shrieked, dropping the cup I once held in my hands onto the table. Thankfully, it didn't spill because it fell upwards.
Sighing in relief at the avoided accident, I turned around pretty mad until I saw who scared me.
"Strange." He said looking at me up-and-down. "Ghosts are the ones supposed to scare others with the catchphrase "boo", instead you got frightened."
I laughed at what he said. "You've apparently done your research then."
"I did, in fact." He looked almost proud.
"So you're a ghost now?" I said, tilting my head cockily to the side with a smirk.
"No. I am a vampire." He grabbed his cape with both of his hands and lifted both arms, flapping them around like a bat, making me feel the resemblance of a little kid being all excited in his vampire suit.
"Cute." I said out loud without thinking.
He smiled at me and thanked me, causing my heart to burst in panic and embarrassment.

We spent the entire time there hanging out and talking with a few other peers from our class since it was a party just for our classmates.
It was very fun until Tsu suggested we all play a game.
I know you probably just assumed a "spin the bottle!" Or "Truth or Dare!" Like in usual fan-fictions or something. Well fuck you. We played hide-and-seek like like Highschoolers would.
No twists, just normal hide-and-seek.
Some people groaned and some cheered at the idea, but in the end, everyone played willingly.
Tsu was to count first since she came up with the idea. We could hide anywhere in the building except bathrooms. Most of the rooms and lobby were open anyways.
She started counting and a sudden thrill overcame me. I looked around frantically and ran to a dark room that had the door open. I saw where everyone went, so that room was empty.
It was pitch black and even the light from the hallway didn't enter the room much, making it an even better hiding spot.
I waited and sat on the ground.
"Ah- my butt hurts from sitting here so much!" I complained in a low-whisper to no one.
"Why wouldn't it?" Someone asked.
I screamed and backed-up against the wall, my breathing quickening.
The door suddenly slammed shut.
"AAAAH!!" I yelled.
The other person screamed too at the loud noise.
I felt around the walls to find the knob.
Thankfully I did, but it was locked.
The room needs a key.
"FIND THE LIGHT-SWITCH!" I told the other.
"Already on it!" He said through gritted teeth.
"GREAT! Now I'm locked in here with an invisible man!" I complained.
"I can hear you."
"Good." I sighed as I tried the door again. "I don't care." I said sassily.
He groaned and kept slapping the walls to find the switch. The sound of the slapping sounded closer each time, so I started to back up.
"ACK!" I fell backwards into a pile of boxes, causing a ruckus.
"What was that?" He asked.
"It was me you moron. I fell!" I was for some reason very annoyed with him. It was rather rude.
I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Scream for help?" He asked suggestively.
"With all this noise, I'm sure they'd hear us by now. Plus my friends are looking for me." I said with pride, yet it was just because we were playing hide-and-seek.
"Yeah me too."
"Who are you anyways."
"All Might." He lied.
"Yeah. And I'm Endeavor." I said sarcastically.
"No you're not."
"I'm being sarcastic."
"Well so was I."
He was getting on my nerves.
I sat on the boxes I had fallen on and thought.
"Quirks." I said.
"What?" He replied.
"Use your quirk. Bust the door down."
"No use. These doors are pretty much indestructible against a lot of quirks for the safety if the people inside."
I wanted to scream and cry from frustration.
I got up yet fell back again. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??"
The slapping kept going and I just sat there like a sore loser.
I wanted to see who this prick was already.
"Hey, uh... where are you?" He asked.
"In this stupid room."
I felt the sound of footsteps nearing our door from outside.
"OVER HERE!" Yelled a female voice.
The door key was opening the door, but it was not the right one. "Try another!" Said a male voice.
I felt someone fall on me.

'Fuck! I forgot to tell the boy to watch out for the boxes!'

The warm feeling of skin against my lips felt so weird.
Light flooded the room from flashlights, when they all just stopped and stared at the scene.
He pulled back all embarrassed and grossed out.
"I am so-" He stopped and stared at me. His face red.
"T-Todoroki-Kun?!" I said, butterflies suddenly emerging in my stomach.

-E N D-


H A L L O W E E N ! ! !

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now