Chapter 11

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Izuku Aizawa POV

"Izuku why are your arms bandaged?" Jazzy asked. Crap he noticed the second I left my room. 

'They just got a bit banged up during training thats all.' I signed, I cried so much in my room I didn't feel like talking anymore right now. 

"Can you let me see them?" He asked looking worried. 

'That's not necessary I treated them the way you and dad taught me so they are fine, dad is waiting in the car I have to go, see you later.' I signed running off, that probably made him more suspicious if anything but there is no way they can find out what I did. It should've been easy to hide but I got carried away and am now almost late for training, also that was the longest time I've stayed in my room besides when I'm in bed for the night, although it wasn't necessarily for a good reason so I don't really feel accomplished.

"You were in your room for a much longer time than usual today and why are your arms bandaged?" dad asked, I sighed, these guys really don't miss much.

"I got a little scratched up in training is all," I whispered before going into a coughing fit. And this is what I get for overusing what little sound I have.

"I want you to sign the rest of the day, let me guess, you were crying earlier." He said and I nodded, as long as that's all he thinks it is I'm fine. "Alright we are here, I'll pick you up at 7 don't overdo it." I just nodded again and jumped out of the car. I waved at dad as he drove off, Mirio wasn't hard to find as usual. He makes it easy for me to find him since one time he tried to play hide and seek and I couldn't see anyone I knew around causing me to break down at the thought of being alone. He quickly came out of his hiding spot and never hid from me again which I was grateful for. 

"Hey Izuku!" He greeted 

'Hi Mirio, what are we doing for training and where are the others?'

"The other two had homework still, we won't do any kind of sparring today I want you to work on your agility so it's going to be mostly running and climbing. I'm guessing Sensei told you not use your voice anymore today." I just nodded in response before walking into our training center which this week appears to be a forest, it changes every week depending on what Yueei students are doing then. Dad said that since he and Jazzy are teachers at Yueei they are allowed to let me train there. 

"Alright Izuku how about you run first, you will run two laps around the forest, obstacles have been placed around the course. I will wait in the middle of the forest unless you need me to come with you." Mirio explained.

'Please come with I don't really want to be alone.' I signed.

"That's fine, well let's go." He said taking off with me not far behind him. 

When he said obstacles I didn't know there would be so many or that it meant there would be traps. I've been stuck in a net for about fifteen minutes upside down and I'm starting to get dizzy. Mirio said that he couldn't help me because even though I will often have another hero backing me up sometimes I'll be alone, the thought terrified me I'm sure I'll grow out of the fear eventually right? Now I know on a normal basis I would be able to get out of this with one of my quirks but Mirio specifically said that one of the rules was no quirks, I have yet to find out a reason for this rule. 

"Come on Izuku, you can do it!" Mirio cheered. I would respond but my hands are literally tied. I struggled again to get out of the net before finally it just broke and I went head first to the ground. "Ouch, you ok Izuku?" Mirio asked. I stood up and nodded before untieing my hands and running off again this time being very careful as to not step on any more traps.

Once I finally finished I had a small moment to catch my breath before starting the next exercise, climbing the giant tree that towered over everything else. I looked down at my arms and saw that blood was soaking through my bandages. Crap, maybe I can still hide them from Mirio. I walked a little further behind him until we reached the tree. "Alright you have fifteen minutes to get to the top or I will make you redo it." I nodded to show him I understood before making my way to the top.

Ten minutes, it only took ten minutes for me to reach the top take that Mirio. I looked around a bit until I saw a figure, but no one else is supposed to be here besides Mirio and I. I looked closer and what I saw scared me right out of the tree.

"Woah you supposed to climb down not fall- wait what's wrong and why are your arms bleeding?!" I was shaking and crying not because he saw my arms or anything no this was something entirely different.

"H-he's here," I said barely loud enough for him to hear me but he heard anyway.

"Who's here Izuku?!" Mirio yelled



Word count: 919 

Hey guys alright so I have some news for Y'all this time. First, this story has reached one thousand reads, I am very excited about this so to celebrate this I will be posting five chapters this week (Don't worry I have many chapters prepared in advance so they aren't rushed or anything) I'm posting two today and three tomorrow so have fun with that or don't that's up to you.

In other news, once I reach chapter twenty in this book I will begin a new story. I have way too many ideas though so throughout the next few weeks or so I will be having you guys vote. Today I will ask you to vote on the fandom I go with, here are your options:

My Hero Academia

Attack on Titan 

Yuri on Ice

There are also some that I'm not so sure about but I would definitely be willing to try:

Banana Fish


Assassination Classroom

So if you are interested in any of these please let me know I want to have this part of the voting done by next week, anyway, that's all I have for now I will put this in the next chapter as well.

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