⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 30⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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✧༺♥༻∞Chapter 30 ∞༺♥༻✧

Last Time...

The castle was shimmering. But so was his limiter.

With Saiki (Third-Person Limited)

The Eight Deadly Sins and the rest of the group walked towards the castle, getting closer and closer to the gold shining castle with every step. The rude and insane comments towards Saiki didn't stop, though they did whisper to each other but then stopped or ran away if Diablo or Shi glared at them.

Saiki reached into the front pocket of his hooded sweatshirt and took out the pink, green and white limiter. He looked down at it sadly as he gripped it with his right hand. He saw his tattoo, it was bright red with a wolf in a sleeping position as it usually was.

Teruhashi looked up at Saiki, she noticed how sad he looked. She smiled sadly and grabbed a hold of his right wrist, the one closest to her. "It will be okay Saiki, it always turns out okay in the end when I'm with you," she cooed to Saiki kindly.

Saiki turned to Teruhashi, "I know, I'm just scared this was all just a dream." he said with a little kindness in his voice and with a slight smile on his face.

Then everyone in front of him stopped. Saiki looked up to see the castle right under him. "Let's go!" Meliodas cheered as he went into the castle a guard in front of him to lead the way to a meeting room.

Saiki stepped into the palace in awe. It was shining gold everywhere, with white walls and beautiful wood floors. The group continued to walk as every turn seemed the same as the last. Gold merchandise put on display either on a table against the wall or hung on the wall, white walls, and wood floors.

This seemed to last a very long time for Saiki (and everyone else) as they finally got into the meeting room inside the castle. Two guards opened the double doors to a bright and beautiful room. Windows covering one entire side of the room which made it become filled with clear natural light. The room was very decorative. There were gold and silver lining on the ceiling that made a shining spiral against the ceiling that was at the least 30 feet high.

The meeting table was dark brown wood with lavish velvet and red chairs with the same dark wood surrounding the table. Placed in the center of the table was a golden vase filled with dark blood red roses and pure white roses.

"Take a seat," a guard said, "We will be back with a meal for you all. Do you request anything?"

"Scraps!" Hawk cheered. "And ale to go around."Meliodas also requested. The guard nodded and headed towards the kitchen, closing the door behind him.

Everyone took a seat around the table. Meliodas at the head and Elizabeth next to him as the rest of them took seats. Saiki was in-between Teruhashi and Shi, as Meliodas began to talk.

"So... we are at the castle," he said as he continued to look around the beautiful room. "We are here to run Camelot until someone else takes over or not we will see. But we know that Saiki, Teruhashi, Shi, and Diablo need to go back to...Japan? Was it called?" Meliodas asked as Saiki nodded. Meliodas continued.

"Saiki's limiter has been shining for a while now, and I think it will stay like that for a few more days, so Saiki, try to plan out when you're going to leave." Saiki only nodded once again then completely cut out what next Meliodas was saying as he was talking about Camelot and what to do.

A knock then came at the door as everyone hushed in silence. The door opened up to see a butler coming in with the food and drinks. He had semi-long black raven hair with it short on the back and two large stands of hair in front of his ears, he had bright red eyes and orange eyes as he wore a suit and a pair of white gloves.

"Sirs and Madams, I have brought today, a light Ale, specialty made in this very castle. With roasted turkey of our farm and picked carrots that were grilled," he said as he placed all the servings down. "I will be back with dessert in a little while, we have made our classic Chocolate Curry Buns and Earl Gray tea," the butler then bowed and left the room.

"I feel like I've seen him somewhere..." Teruhashi thought out loud, Saiki agreed it feels like he had seen him somewhere, but then shook his head and now listened to what his Captain was saying as he and the rest began to eat.

"Saiki," Teruhashi grabbed is attention "Maybe we should start planning when we will be leaving," she said. Saiki frowned and nodded as he got Shi and Diablo's attention as well. "I say in two days time," Saiki proposed to the three others. "It gives us enough time to leave as well, if anything goes wrong in Camelot at first we can fix it," he explained.

Shi just shrugged as Teruhashi and Diablo agreed. "Ooh!" Cracked Shi "I can't wait to get rid of this dump," he pointed towards his body "and get a human body. A human!" he cheered excessively, "You're very rantipole, you may want to calm down a little," Diablo spoke as he ate though you could hear the food dropping inside his body as it hit his metal chest plate.

"I don't know what that means! But the answer is noooo!" he screamed loudly and flew across the room as he yelled and continued to expand the 'o' in "no".

Desert came quickly for Saiki as he looked joyed at the Chocolate Curry Buns and tea. He quickly dug into his meal, enjoying every flavor of it.

As the meal and meeting settled down and the night came in they all went into the respected rooms that they were given. Saiki got to his room which was a few hallways away from where they were at. His room was large with a king size bed and a large wardrobe next to it. Attached to his room was a large marble bathroom.

Teruhashi's room was across from him and Diablo's and Shi's shared room was next to him.

Saiki changed out of his sweatshirt and put his limiter on the nightstand where the shinning of the limiter began to dim out for the night. Saiki saw a pair of nicely folded pajamas on the bed with two (pathetically) cut wing holes in the back.

Saiki got changed as he stepped into bed for his second to last day in Britannia Camelot. To say the least, he was scared.

Hope you liked this chapter! The book is finally coming to an end, I hope you enjoyed it till now.

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