Part eight

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(Chloe's POV)

I walked down the hall watching for stray henchmen wondering about, when I came to a door.

I phased my head through the door to see what was on the other side of it. I pulled my head back out and looked at Clint who was giving me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"You... you... bleh!" Clint stuttered.

I mentally facepalmed myself.

"The server room is in there." I said pointing towards the door.

Steve nodded. We walked into the room. It was pitch black and you couldn't see a thing.

"Chloe?" Nat asked.

"Yeah yeah. I know." I said.

I did the exact same thing as before, but this time, as I pulled the shadows towards me, dragging them against the walls to find the light switch. I reached out my hands and felt something.

The light switch!

Of course it was right next to the door! Where else would it be?! I let the shadows go and flipped the switch.

"Hey! Oh..." Clint started.

"Found it." I said smugly with a smile.

The room was filled with filing cabinets.

"I thought this place would be filled with computers." Clint said running his hand over one of the cabinets that was covered in dust.

"It's to easy for someone to hack into computers. Hydra keeps a lot of their precious documents on paper." I said as I walked past a row of files.

"Sure, it is harder to keep it all organized, but you can't hack paper." I could feel everyone staring at me but I didn't care much.

"Found the computers." Natasha said pointing towards a corner with two computers next to each other. I tossed her the hard drive and she walked over and put it into a slot in one of the computers and started hacking.

"Alright, everyone spread out. See if you can find anything really important that we should take with us." Steve told us.

I started with the files that were on the table in front of me. There was one about the government, another was about physics, another was about genetics, and the rest were about random stuff I didn't get.

I was about to look somewhere else when a file I swear wasn't there a few minutes ago. I picked it up and opened it.

What I saw was unexpected.

At the top of the file printed in sloppy handwriting was my name. There was a bunch of stuff written in some random language I didn't understand.

"You find something?" I looked up to see Clint watching me.

"No." I said as if I was bored.

I put the file down and walked over to a cabinet. It had the letter F-G on it. It's filed by letters.

I looked at the one to the right and it said H-I.

I looked at the one on the left: D-E.

The far left said A-C.

This was the one.

I opened the top drawer and everything was filed under A. The middle drawer was all filed under B. Which meant that the bottom drawer was C.

I opened it and started going through it.

Found it!

I pulled out a file with my name on it. I opened it and found that there wasn't much in it.

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