I Wish I Didn't Lock The Door.

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(This chapter contains Self-Harm and Gore.)

Chapter 3:

The next day at school was the same routine as usual. But one thing was different... America didn't try to hunt down Russia just to bother him more with a few of his friends. He of course tried to avoid America all day. They share some classes so sometimes, avoiding him was inevitable. But one thing was different. One thing was off. America, never once, looked at Russia, talked to Russia, or even talked about Russia, at least from his understanding.

"Has America bothered you today?" Ukraine asked Russia during lunch. "No, he has been avoiding me like I have been avoiding him." He explained staring over at America's table. He noticed he wasn't there.... Strange.

America closed the bathroom stall behind him, and he sat there, thinking. He didn't want to sit with his brothers during lunch because of their dispute in the morning. He didn't like the fact that Canada started dating Ukraine. He knew that Ukraine liked to bring his brothers with him in public and America always hung around Canada, meaning he'd have to deal with him.

Clearly, America didn't like Russia. He may have agreed to stop bothering Russia, but he won't agree to stop hating him. That's something else out of anyone else's control.

Not only that, but Canada is practically dragging him to hang out with Ukraine and his siblings to, "Try and fix things.".

"Oh c'mon! It's not that bad Meri'!" Canada protested. America just shook his head in refusal. He did not... No. He would not go with Canada. America loved his brother a lot, but would he sacrifice the brother-brother relationship he had with Canada just because of his hate for Russia? Possibly. America gave it some thought. "Maybe I should go. I'll just avoid Russia." America thought to himself. But that morning he was not dealing with any of this crap. Canada begged and begged for him to go but America only snapped in respond and said some hurtful things to his brother, which he now regrets.

Russia got up from his seat, "I'll be right back." He told his siblings and headed to the bathroom. Something told him that America was there sulking. He over heard Canada talking about what happened between America and him, and well, knowing America a little bit from when they were friends, he knew he would avoid Canada.

Part of Russia wanted that friendship back, but he knew that won't ever come back. Besides, it was his fault America hated him so much. It wasn't like him to care about the American. And yet, he still walked in the bathroom, looked for a shadow from the lights above the stalls and found the stall America was in. He didn't see his feet on the ground, so he stood on his tippy-toes and stared down at America who had his face buried in his legs that were pulled up onto the seat.

"Hey." Russia looked down at America, not showing any emotion in his gaze but talked to him like they were friends. America jumped and fell off the toilet.

"Hey! What was that for?!" America shouted, still in shock from falling.

"Just saying hi. What are you doing in here?" Russia asked simply, not really concerned about the American.

"What if I was actually going to the bathroom?! That would have been beyond awkward, Russia!" America replied, ignoring Russia's question.

"I didn't see your feet on the ground. Besides, you told me a few years ago you don't like using the school bathrooms because their gross." He said, casually like remembering such a random fact wasn't anything special.

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