Chapter🇮🇹 🍅(Italy) 🍅🇮🇹seven

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It was a beautiful day in Italy.
The Italian country, to be specific the two Italian countries we're in their house checking blogs in the social media.

The other countries were also there, let's just say that-
Spain,Prussia,France,Germany,Russia,China,Japan,Greece,Turkey,Australia,Belgium,Canada,Austria,Hungary, Seychelles and Antarctica were there, just inside the living room with the Italian brothers. They were all focused in the screen until- they saw a blog. It was very famous and the blog's headlines were 'the biggest country in the whole world'.

They all got curious since they all are still wondering what country that would be. So they clicked on the blog using the remote control of the TV. As the screen of the television zoomed in letting them see the contents.

"Italy is a city in France" They all read in unison as the two Italian brothers stood up clearly shocked. "W-What,we are not a part-a of that country called F-France!" The other countries laughed as the French country sweat dropped.

They continued reading after that "And France is the capital of Spain" The French country stood up baffled. The words continued . "Spain is a state in Prussia"Then they heard the Prussian laugh in a weird manner "Prussia is a part of America,and America is a village in Britain-England to be specific"

This left the three Nations stand up and yell at the TV such as "What is this,Bloody hell this blog is such a wanker's idea!" The British nation with a top hat exclaimed.

America's ' sunglasses ' fell off his face as he run like a little girl. Prussia's mouth dropped open as the others were laughing because of the reactions.

The rest continued reading ,"England is found in Russia, and Russia is a house in Antarctica" this left the Countries laughing hard as Russia spread an aura that already can shatter glass with such single glance and Antarctica felt proud . They continued reading "Antarctica is a tourist spot in Germany, and Germany is found in China" The German country suddenly stood up in shock shouting curse words in German at the Television. "Yay! You're now one with China!" China exclaimed,happily.

They continued reading once again "China is only a city in Japan,and Japan is only a tourist spot in Greece" This left the three countries freak out like the other countries .

"Greece is a state in Turkey, Turkey is a part of Belgium,and Belgium is a part of Austria" all their mouths parted

"Austria is a part of Australia and Australia is found in Canada" they all freaked out as they ran, as some of them kept on reading.

"Canada is a place in Hungary, and Hungary is only a museum in Mars" All of them facepalmed after that.

"Mars is found in the Galaxy,and the Galaxy is found in the sun, and the sun is found in Seychelles" They all read as they all fell silent.

"Seychelles is found in Wyoming and Wyoming is found in Earth" Some of them wanted to burn the blog.

" And Earth is only a city in Sealand, Therefore Sealand is the biggest country-or shall I say, the biggest continent in the whole universe!"

They looked at the blog in silence. Then realized that Sealand wasn't really a country. They all yelled and crashed the house in panic. Most of them screaming and crying.

The end
(bonus when you scroll down)





Philip saw all of this in Facebook and he just laughed himself off of such prosperous scene.

So you guys realized that this wasn't really a chapter, anyways this is for your entertainment anyways,adios/paalam/bye/ciao!

Credits to Carlos for the roleplay we did about this.

If you want to make a comic about this, please ask permission and credit the story.

Date made:May 8,2019 8:10 pm

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