⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 12⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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Last time...

"What's that wolf tattoo on your right wrist and why did they call you the new sin of deceit?"

With the Sins (Third-person limited)

"So," Teruhashi cleared her throat, re-crossing her legs as she sat in the Boar's Hat Tavern, "you say- to wrap it up- you are a sinner, that can use magical powers. Plus we are in or around the renaissance era?" she asked clearly not believing the story, Saiki just nodded leaning on the bar counter in front of Teruhashi. Teruhashi continued to look around the tavern, looking at Hawk to see if he could distract her, "Aren't you cute?" she smiled at him.

"Thanks! Oink!" he replied, as for not having talking animals were she and Saiki came from, Teruhashi yelped and jumped mid-air, kicking Hawk in the prosses making him bounce away. Teruhashi than instantly stood up, her face was red with fright and embarrassment. "W-what...?W-what was t-that?" she asked as she backed away, bumping into Saiki, making her even redder than before.

'Well, now I definitely know Saiki wasn't kidding when he said we weren't in Japan anymore' Teruhashi thought as she sat back down, apologizing to Hawk who was cutely fuming with anger. "Now Saiki," Teruhashi once again cleared her throat, "how do we get back to Japan?" she asked as she began to get nervous. 'I can't be a perfect pretty girl in this dump, that would be impossible!' she thought again "Could you please stop thinking about being the 'perfect pretty girl' and start worrying about other problems!" Saiki snapped as he began to pace the tavern in the thought of how his nuisance number one had gotten here.

The blue-haired girl stayed quiet, then her face turned red, in relaxation, but still trying to stick to the fact that, mind-reading is only a fictional power, Teruhashi sputtered her words to ask: "Wha-what? Your being—," she drifted off as Saiki's face was serious and unamused as usual.

"H-How?" Was the only thing that left her speaking,

Saiki rolled his eyes, poker face as usual and made electricity come out of his fingers looking like appearing and disappearing glitter coming out of his hands "magic," he shook his fingers for effect, his plain face not irking as Teruhashi's face was less than, "perfect" and definitely not "pretty"

Saiki continued to pace for a while, for how long? He wasn't sure, but he was rudely taken out of his thoughts when he heard a scream coming from Teruhashi, he quickly turned his head forward to see that Meliodas had an attempt to grab her flat chest. Teruhashi brought her hand up into a fist and brought it down on Meliodas' head. She ran to a corner and cower as her face flushed with embarrassment and fear. She held her arms around her chest to block Meliodas from coming to her.

"Captain'" Called Ban who Saiki had forgotten was there as he was quiet, for not bickering with King, as for he was outside with Merlin, Diane, and Gowther to make a new batch of shrinking serum for Diane and Merlin needed some help finding the last ingredients. "You clearly can see that she has no chest!" Ban laughed "it would be a miracle if you even found something." he laughed slightly ticking off Saiki as he furrowed his eyebrows but went back to thinking, not really caring that Teruhashi was on the brink of tears as Elizabeth converted her from Meliodas and Ban.

"Well, since you and Saiki already know each other how 'bout joining us till we get you home?" Meliodas asked, "Yes please thank you," Teruhashi bowed. "But," he said gaining Teruhashi's and Saiki's attention, "You have to work for the bar." he smiled as he held up the female uniform.

Teruhashi came out of the restroom with the uniform on, it looked hideous in Saiki's opinion and if what he could read in the other's thoughts they did too, but Elizabeth kept a smiling face not to hurt Teruhashi. "How about something else?" Meliodas asked. "Saiki?" he questioned again, Saiki nodded as he got some spare cloth from the spare cabinets Meliodas left for him and began to stitch through the night.

"Wow!" Elizabeth commented as she saw Teruhashi in the early morning wearing the new attire that was given to her, Saiki nodded his head to the comment as it fit her a lot better than the other. Teruhashi came down the stairs in a wine mini skirt with long pink socks and black Mary Jane shoes, as also having a white shirt with a pink sweater on top.

 Teruhashi came down the stairs in a wine mini skirt with long pink socks and black Mary Jane shoes, as also having a white shirt with a pink sweater on top

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"Are you sure this fits me?" Teruhashi asked as she flattened out her shirt, "I do go best in green or blue." she commented on the design. "Oh well," Meliodas shrugged "Saiki stayed up all night making you that," Meliodas said, he also liked what Saiki made for her.

"Saiki go get a new uniform on, we'll be starting soon," Meliodas commanded as Saiki nodded, the suit Saiki was wearing was full of sweat and scrunched up, clearly looking horrible. Saiki went upstairs and quickly back down, King and Diane tagging along as they came in at some point at night,

"Let's get working!" Meliodas cheered as he opened the door to let customers in, who already began to pile up. Saiki took a step forward but stopped when a hand was placed on his shoulder, nails digging into his new suit. He turned to see Merlin "You'll go to work when you finish answering my questions," she was hiding a dark side of her, and to get what she wants, she'd hurt Saiki in the process.

A.N- Sorry I haven't updated for so long, the image I got was from Pinterest.

Another thing is a question for who do you want Saiki (or Teruhashi) to end up with?

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