Final exams

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After a short stay in the hospital, Izuku was called to the Hosu police station to clarify the facts. When he arrived, he was received by the police chief, who had the head as that of a dog and a human body; the vampire was sure that if Alucard ever saw him he would a serious existential crisis.

"Well, Mr. Midoriya, as you know, it's forbidden to use quirks without a hero's license," said the cop, sitting behind a desk.

"Yep," answered Izuku, standing on his feet.

"This is what we will do, we'll say it was Endeavor and Hellboy the ones who defeated Stain and you just were passing by, woof."

"And if I want to take credit?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"You would be accused of using a quirk without permission, woof. Which would make a big stain on your registry."

"Mister," he read the plaque with his name, "... Tsuragamae, I have no quirk, and that's why I want to take the credit I deserve."

The cop was speechless, how was possible someone without a quirk could defeat someone like the hero killer?

"You lie," said the man-dog, thinking it was false, "those injuries couldn't have been made by someone without a quirk."

"Bring a doctor and I will show you it's true."

Tsuragamae immediately called for a quirk specialist and went to the Hosu hospital. The doctor took blood samples, x-rays, a tomography, etc; to check if he actually didn't have a quirk. While waiting for the tests' results, Izuku went to visit Tenya.

"Tenya," said the vampire after teleporting inside the room.

"Izuku!" shouted the blue haired teen, resting on the bed with an arm and a leg in a cast. "I almost had a heart attack, don't do that again," he added more calmed.

"Alright," he said, bored, "I won't do it again. You are no fun.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit your sad and miserable existence."

"Ehm... thanks, I guess."

"How do you feel after almost dying for your stupidity?"

"Like the biggest fool ever."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so selfish and unheroic," said Iida with his head down.

"Alright, I forgive you for this whole thing."

"What?! Just like that?! You almost died too for my fault!" he shouted doing his strange gestures.

"Yes, just like that, and I was never in danger, I'm already dead."

"Explain yourself, Izuku."

"If I tell you, do you promise not to do anything like this again and that you'll trust in us? Also, you can't tell anyone else what I'm about to tell you."

"Okay, I promise."

"Well, I don't have a quirk; I'm actually a vampire."



"I suspected it; the whole class suspects it."

"Is it so obvious?"

"My friend, you drink blood, nobody has ever seen you eat anything and Dark Shadow fears you, according to Tokoyami."

"Ok, aren't they scared of me?"

"A little when you fake being dead and then reform your body," the boy answered, scratching his head.

"Ah yes, the ol' reliable," said Izuku. "Well, my results must be ready," he started to phase through the floor, "I'll see you in class, byyye."

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