Spending More Time Part 1

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Philip POV

It's been a few weeks since then, and Ame and I have been more close than we ever been, and I also found a new side of him, and that's his clingy side. I'm even surprised that he has that kind of side in him, but I guess that's just what's makes him more cuter. Ding I heard my phone, so I took it from my bedside table and looked who messaged and I smiled, 'It's Ame' 

*Text messages XD*

Ame: Hi Mahal! How r u 2day?

Phil: I'm fine Ame, just resting in my room

Ame: I'm bored. hahaha, Wanna hang out today?

Phil: Sure, but where?

Ame: What bout ur place?

Phil: Why at ours?

Ame: To make ur brother, Russia, feel at ease, cuz tbh I feel like he's gonna kill me at any moment

I laughed, that is quite possible.

Phil: XD, Sure, that's a good idea, bring Ada with u, I'm sure Affy and Guam would love his company.

Ame: *smirk* I'm sure Russia would love his company as well. *wink* XD

I really roared a laughter at that one.

Phil: True, hahaha, Oh God

Ame: *wink*

Phil: So when r u coming over?

Ame: I can go now, I'll drag Ada with me don't worry XD

Phil: Hahaha, thnx, See you Ame! :)

Ame: See you Mahal! <3

I blushed, I really can't stop blushing whenever he mentions that nickname, I sigh and went outside my room and went my way towards Russia's room, I knocked on the door and heard Russia, "Who is it?", I replied, "It's me Philip." after a few seconds, I heard Russia saying, "Door's open" and so I opened the door to see Russia glued onto his laptop, "Is there something you need Philip?" he asked, still looking at the laptop screen but after a few seconds he looked at me and smiled, and so I smiled as well, "Ame's coming over and pls. be on your best behavior." I said, he looked at me and asked, "And why's that?" I smirked, "Because Canada is also coming over." after I said that I saw him blushed and then I ran outside his room and heard him shout out of embarrassment, I laughed as I went my way towards Affy's room, when I Affy's room came into view, I slowly started walking, Man! running really takes a toll out of you, hahaha, as I was about to knock, I noticed that the door is open, so when I took a look inside I saw Affy with Guam playing with dolls, I smiled at the sight, I softly knocked on the door to get their attention, when they saw me they smiled, and so did I, Affy stood up and went towards me to give me a hug, and so I picked her up and hugged her as well, "Hi Philip, is there something you need?" Affy asked, "Oh it's nothing, I just wanted to tell you that Ame and Ada will be here in a few minutes." I said, she looked at me and smiled so brightly, ahhhh, she looks like an angel, "Yehey! I'm excited, I can't wait." Affy replied, Guam stood up and went our way then took Affy from me and hold her, I smiled, "I'm planning on preparing the Movie room, would you guys like to help?" I asked, both of them nod their heads, "I'll make some snacks, while you guys go find some movies and make sure the room is ready, Is that alright?" I ask, they again nod their head, I smiled and went my way towards the kitchen.

*TIMESKIP brought to you by my 4 devil siblings XD*

I'm finally done with making some popcorn and cookies, and preparing some soda cans, I cleaned the kitchen, after a few minutes, I heard the doorbell and smiled, 'He's here!', I made my way towards the door and opened it, and there I saw Ame holding a large paper bag with a big smile and beside him is of course Ada, I smiled and opened the door more, "Hey Guys, come in." I said and as they enter Ame kissed my cheeks and I blushed, "Hope were not that long Mahal." he said, I blushed even more and closed the door, I looked at him and smiled, "Not at all Ame. I'm glad you guys could come." I said, "We bought some chips on the way and Philip where's Affy and Guam? and-", "Affy and Guam are at the movie room while Russia is in his room, you should go and call him out, I'm pretty sure you already know where his room is." I said, interrupting what Canada was about to ask, I smiled as Ada blushed and nod and went his way up to Russia's room, Ame and I both smiled more, "They're both so obvious, aren't they?" Ame said, I nod, "Let's go to the kitchen, I made some popcorn and cookies. Can you help me take them to the movie room?" I said, Ame nod with a smile, and so we went our way to the kitchen, when were already at the counter, I could feel Ame arms in my waist and his breathe in my neck, I giggle, "Ame, that tickles." I said, he turn me around and were face to face, him still hugging me, he looked at me in the eyes, And I feel so lost at them, they're so full of love, and I took noticed that he slowly but surely inching his face towards mine, and after a few seconds, he sealed my lips with his, at first it was sweet, but after a few mere seconds, the kiss become so passionate, he lick my lips and I was surprised, nevertheless I opened my mouth a little and he took that chance to enter his tongue in my mouth, I feel so weak at his kisses, after a few more minutes of that heavenly passionate kiss, we pulled apart to breathe, his forehead om mine, "I love you so much Philip." he said, still breatheless as me, I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips, "I love you too Ame. So much." I said, after we took a breather, we both decided, to finally, to take the food and drinks and went our way to the movie room.

*MEANWHILE WITH Russia and Canada XD*

Canada went and sat on the edge of Russia's bed and tried to wake Russia up, "Russia wake up." Ada said, Russia only groaned and squirmed a bit, Canada sighed and smiled at the sleeping figure next to him, he leaned closer and looked closer at Russia's face, and Ada smiled and then he kissed Russia's forehead, Russia then slowly open his eyes and was surprised to see Canada so close to his face, and so both of them blushed and moved away, "All o-of us are go-gonna go to the mo-movie rrroom, if-if you want yo-you can go ahead and jo-join us, well then bye." Canada said and dash his way outside of Russia's room and went to the movie room, Russia was still in his bed, sitting up and blushing more than a redder than a tomato.

Hey Guys!

OMG!!!!  1K VIEWS!!!!!

Thank you guys, I feel so loved and happy, to know that a lot of people are reading this story. I'm also sorry that I took so long update, I've been busy with school, family and basically life. hehehe, so I hope you guys understand and hope to keep reading and be patient in waiting for the next chapter.

Once again, Thank you guys!

Peace Out.

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