Courting Stage Part 2

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Philip's POV

It's already been a few months since Ame has been courting me, he would take me to dates, give me gifts, always making me feel special, making me smile and more, with all that time we spent together, it also helps me with think of what answer I'll give him. Ding dong, I went towards the door and opened it, and there stood America, he's wearing a white buttoned up polo shirt, with black skinny jeans and white shoes, with of course paired with his black sunglasses, he smiled and so did I, "You look dashing today Mahal." he said, I blushed, he started calling me that during one of our dates, he 'unfortunately' heard the word 'Mahal' in one of the songs I have, and so when he asked, I of coursed told him what it means, I can still remember the way he smirked and smiled when he decided to call me 'Mahal', back to the present I'm still blushing, "You also look good with in that outfit by the way." I'm wearing plain white shirt with my blue sweater, with black pants and white shoes, we kinda wear the same clothes, cute - I mean Cool! Cool....*blushing* I took a deep breathe and decided to look at him, "You look good as well Ame, we kinda match don't you think?" I said, and now it's his turn to blush, I giggled a little bit and then drag him to his  black Chevrolet Corvette, we both hop in and then fasten our seatbelts, "So Philip I was thinking, we could-" I quickly interrupted him, "Actually Ame, can we visit a nearby beach?", he looked at me for a second and smiled, "Sure, whatever you say Mahal." he replied, I blushed, Ahhhhh! Again with that nickname?! but it's still make me happy, I smiled.

*TIMESKIP brought to you by TOMMY AND SASSY -My 2 big adorable dogs- XD*

America and I are now walking on the shore, feelings the cold breeze, enjoying the scenery and sound of the waves, while both of us are holding hands, why hold hands? because Ame is persistent and cute. A few minutes after that we decided to buy some snacks and eat them near the car, while continuing watching the waves, it was all so peaceful, I took a deep breathe and sigh, I heard Ame 'hmmm', so I looked at him and he did so too, "Is there something that's bothering you Mahal?" he asked, I shook my head and smiled, "I'm fine Ame, although I want to tell you something?" I replied, he smiled and nod, once again I took a deep breathe, "I am so glad and thankful that you came into my life, I'm so happy to know that you love me and every single day, you never fail to remind me that. Remember when I told you that I would be the one to reach out, well Ame, I'm now reaching out. I'm reaching out to you to take me and make me yours. I love you America." I said, America stood there, shocked and surprised is evident in his eyes, I closed my eyes for a bit then suddenly, Ame hugged, he hugged me so tight and I could feel something wet in my shoulder, 'He's crying.', I hugged him tightly  back too, "Thank you Philip, Oh God! Thank you! I love you so much." he said, I couldn't help but smile and let my tears of joy fell, "I love you too Ame." I replied, we both released from the hug and then he looked at me and wipe my tears, and I did the same, then America slowly lean in, while I......... I slowly closed my eyes and so did he, then we kissed, the kiss wasn't rough nor chapped, he's lips are so soft and filled with passion, it all felt so right, after a few heavenly seconds of that kiss, we decided to once again looked at each other's smiles, we hold hands and I rest my head at America's shoulder, while he did so the same, us cuddling while watching the sea. This, All of this, has now felt so right. And I'm glad.

Hey Guys!

I am so sorry if these story is only at a few words, I'm just running out of time and tired, so I hope you guys don't mind.

And once and for all, Thank you all for everything.

Peace Out.

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