⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 8⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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Last time...

 This could have all been stopped if people just stopped assuming things about him. 

With Kusuo Saiki (Third-person limited)

Saiki let the water that he splashed on his face roll down his face and neck, it was nice to just hear the crickets chirping or the water beating against the brown or glass-like rocks, scented flowers filled his nose in the very early morning but the moon and stars were still up. Now with his mind cleared he wiped his sleeve against his forehead taking a good look at the wolf marking on his right wrist.

Now that he thought about it, he should have controlled his anger a little better than before, though, on the other hand, he did have a right to be angry. The sins (Other than King) plus Hawk and Elizabeth were having a full meeting upstairs about him when he was down at the bar after forcing him to work for so long. Kusuo stood from his spot on the brink of the stream.

He looked forward to see a very large castled area with lots of people inside as their thoughts came flooding into Saiki's head. 'King Arthur should be here' and 'Camelot has been better with the king' are two thoughts that had caught Saiki's attention. With pure curiosity, Saiki walked into and out of the stream to take a closer look at the large city.

He continued to walk closer as the city was becoming more clear, he saw brick walls surrounding Camelot as it was a common idea to do as it helped hold back invaders. The walls were brown bricked and dirty while inside the towns had small shops and homes while a large castle was in the middle edge of the city, with large pillars that roofs looked like gold. As he got closer to the entrance his head shot through pain, all he saw was what happened after the event, the large and beautiful city of Camelot was destroyed and dead bodies were everywhere.

Saiki looked back up getting closer to the small opening to get into the city blocked by guards who were checking if a person would be good to go in. As he was in front of the line for the lack of people standing as well, the man eyed him studying him, as he kept one hand on his sword. He then nodded allowing Saiki to go in, it usually wasn't that easy for everyone else, but he had his powers and used it to his advantage, it was manipulation, but none the less to his advantage, it was to help the city, so it wasn't for a bad cause nor would it hurt anyone.

Saiki went through the city, reminding himself of the dagger that he first had was hidden in his suit so it would be easy to access when needed. He walked through the town as he carried a small brown bag full of coins worth a good amount from the tips he had gotten in the tavern and saved. He looked at the good foods and other possessions the marketers were selling.

As he was looking one piece had caught his eye right then, it was a silver wolf looking forward with a red jewel in the center as it was connected to the wolf's fur. 

"Something caught your eye young man?" the seller asked, he was a fat man with a bushy brown beard and a belt that could snap at any moment Saiki only shrugged as he tried to look at the other jewelry

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"Something caught your eye young man?" the seller asked, he was a fat man with a bushy brown beard and a belt that could snap at any moment Saiki only shrugged as he tried to look at the other jewelry. The man sent out a booming laugh as for he intended for everyone to hear, "Well, give me 15 gold pieces and I'll give it." he offered though it was a complete scam as it was worth only 5. "No that's too much," Saiki said as he continued to see the other pieces of art. "How 'bout this?" he whispered in a hushed voice to try to be secretive and he leaned into Saiki, but the pink haired teen just loomed over him, as the fat man stood straight again. "I'll give you ten?" he offered again but Saiki only scoffed "I know what this is worth, for one the jewel isn't even large so it's worth almost half of nothing," 

Saiki said with full confidence "In addition to that the world is iron, like the one in cheap swords, I'll give you 7 even if it's only worth 5" Saiki offered taking out 7 jewels, the smile on the man's face seemed to fade as he picked up as threw the necklace at his "Fine, but get your back out of here." he threatened as to scare Saiki. He only slowly nodded as he placed the gold coins on the counter and walked away. Saiki took the chain and put it in his money for good luck and safekeeping. In all honesty, he just wanted the necklace, it was really worth around 12 golden coins with 5 silver ones, but if he got a good deal he'd take it.

He only stopped when to buy a portion of cheap food or some sweets which he happily enjoyed as he looked for the cause of the large disaster. Then he heard a fat lady yell as she sold bread, her doughy hands on her face, her white apron seemed to feel the tension as it stopped moving with the wind and her ugly olive green shirt and crossed necklace seemed to tighten around her neck as if she couldn't scream anymore.

People turned around as they saw a large headless but moving monster heading towards the city, it was more than triple the size of the city's castle it had a head that seemed to be burnt off as the rest of its body was in a dark blood red while it had black pants reaching what could have been his knees as it swung around a bronze pickaxe as it crashed the pickaxe to the ground to the town to create an earthquake to the city.

"Knights, stop it!" someone yelled as kights began to run on the roof's of homes to try and kill the creature. That moment he got precognition once again, this time it was before the event, it just showed the knights running to the monster.

Saiki knew what he had to do, he took out his dagger from an inside pocket of the suit he had. Saiki began to run towards the creature as someone ran next to him "Kid, what are you doing?" a man yelled as he was also the one who commanded the army to move. He was a redhead, he had bright orange hair with purple eyes, and a gold suit of armor representing that he was higher up in social class, he finally had a white cloak hanging off his back as he ran with a gold sword clutched to him.

Saiki, of course, didn't answer as he continued to run, "Hey, kid answer me!" the man yelled. Though once again ignored. With no brain, the creature had their where no thoughts that came with it too, so Saiki had trouble what movements it would do next. Saiki used his x-ray to see where was a vital spot to hit, he found the most movement in his heart as he expected it to be.

Saiki jumped into the air, ignoring the man in gold's attempt to stop him. Saiki charged forward as he doubled the size of his dagger, stabbing the monster in his heart, it didn't do much damage though it did take the creature a few steps back from the city's walls. Saiki continued to slice up the monster blood splattering on to him as a few times he had to wipe off his tinted green glasses, he didn't stop until it was only into its limbs, dead as a few organs came from the dismembered parts.

He was drenched in blood as he made his knife smaller and stood in front of the king and his army men, who didn't do anything and had no trace of blood on them either. "Saiki!" he heard his name be called from above, he looked up to see a flying green pig above him, "Good job," it was Meliodas as he held one of his thumbs up and gave a cheeky grin as morning light seeped through him.  

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