⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 6⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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Last time...

"Okay! Now let's welcome our new recruit, Saiki!" Meliodas cheered as he brought up a glass of beer and cheered.

With the sins (Saiki; Third-person limited)

That night ended horribly for the young sober Saiki who didn't drink a sip of alcohol but had to clean the mess of it and all his co-workers with it. At the end of the night, (which was already early sunrise morning at 3 o'clock in the morning,) Ban was the last to fall over on a drunken haze on the wooden tavern floor with a bump as his body hit the ground. Saiki shook his head in annoyance, right now he thought people in this century that he was stuck in only drank because they could, as he lifted up Ban so his large arm was slugged around the pink haired teen's shoulder as Elizabeth showed him the way to his room while picking up Diane the same way.

At the time that he had finally dumped the last person, Meliodas, in his room. Elizabeth was tired from staying up all night and kept falling asleep all around the tavern. Till Saiki just gave up and made her sleep upstairs in her room, which she had reluctantly agreed to by the fact that she was tired and went up to her room for a bit of sleep. Saiki flipped open the open sign as it was now it was Gowther and Saiki. Saiki hadn't even realized that Gowther was there the entire time, he was quiet, out of the way, and as well watched as he saw Saiki and Elizabeth struggling while carrying a bunch of people up and down the stairs. Saiki quickly got angry at the thought but cooled himself down after he thought he prepared the tavern for the coming guest.

Saiki went behind the bar and cleaned cups and mugs while Gowther began to talk in the silence. "Are you going to wear the uniform?" he asked "The uniform?" Saiki repeated as he continued to work, Gowther nodded and said a yes as Gowther has lifted up the uniform gaining Saiki's attention, he lifted his head as he saw the same uniform Elizabeth wore a short navy blue skirt and a pink button shirt. "No," he said as he looked down and cleaned another cup. "It's the uniform though," Gowther said, "No," Saiki repeated once again.

This went on for a while as for no customers showed up since it was now 6 o'clock, Saiki now thought he had opened the tavern a little too early, "Fine!" Saiki said as he ripped the uniform out of Gowther's hands and stormed off into the back washroom to change.

It didn't take long for Saiki to come back from the restroom and surprisingly everyone was awake except for Elizabeth. "I present to you, Saiki," Gowther said in his usual voice and he shook his hands in front of the doorway, when Kusuo opened the door, but not for the sins to see Kusuo, but to see Kuriko. "Ooh, who's she?" Meliodas asked as he stared at Saiki closely inspecting him as a girl. Then before he reached to touch his(?) 'feminine-d' body

Saiki grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back as he heard painful 'owws' coming from him. "Don't do that Captain," Saiki warned as he kicked Meliodas' back causing him to stumble forward. "Wait," Ban said squinting his eyes to get better detail of Saiki, "You're Saiki Kusuo!" he said in surprise as his back straightened away as he still sat. Saiki only rolled his eyes at their obnoxiousness.

"So you are a girl!" Diane cheered "Not really, I can just transform." he said as Diane frowned and looked away. "Let's keep you like this!" Meliodas said happily "Nope, I'm going back into the clothes I started with." Saiki said, "You can't wear those sluggish brown ones if you want a new uniform you can wear this or make a new one." Meliodas smirked as if he knew the answer Meliodas had not met many men who could stitch or much less make clothes and he thought of Saiki as the same.

Saiki quickly came back from the back in his original brown clothes. "I'll make my own thank you." he said as he took a seat far away from the rest, "You have two hours at the most, that's when people actually start to come in," Meliodas said walking away.

Saiki nodded as he got some sewing needles from his pocket that his mother always tells him to bring around in the case and began to stitch into a tattered old bag and some old clothes Meliodas had given him to work on.

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"Wow Saiki, you did that yourself?" Diane asked as Saiki came out of the washroom in his newer nicer clothes

Saiki had come down the stairs with the once old grubby bag and some tattered articles of clothing into a now well-suited handcrafted shirt, pants, and boots to his taste, he even had time to dig up objects to make a chain, which was attached to h...

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Saiki had come down the stairs with the once old grubby bag and some tattered articles of clothing into a now well-suited handcrafted shirt, pants, and boots to his taste, he even had time to dig up objects to make a chain, which was attached to his limiter in his pocket. "Who taught you how to do that?" Elizabeth asked surprised "My-my mother actually." he said. To which Elizabeth looked down "I-I'm sorry?" she said. He rose his eyebrow and scoffed. "Sorry? Sorry about what? She isn't dead." he stated clearly.

Elizabeth looked up, "Oh that's great! She said, I would love to meet her sometime." she smiled and Saiki nodded letting the air out through his nose 'Let's see if I'll ever get back again'.

"Saiki, why is your pocket glowing to where the chain is?" Diane asked while no one seemed to notice but turned to Saiki to see what she was talking about, Saiki, looked down at his pocket to which his limiter was in, no color showed "Oh, it left." she said once again and seated the table where two customers came in. Meliodas walked passed them "This is no time to be speaking about random glowing things, it's time to work chop chop." He clapped his hands together as they all walked into separate directions to work in.

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